Darkcrescent Exemplar Chicago Staff Marshal Oct 27, 2014 #1 [The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape] Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
Pokethulu Elite Public Relations Committee Oct 28, 2014 #2 Artea, Could you please expound on the large portion of Buckland and how magic does not work there? This is more than disturbing. Thank you, Lady FallingStar
Artea, Could you please expound on the large portion of Buckland and how magic does not work there? This is more than disturbing. Thank you, Lady FallingStar
Darkcrescent Exemplar Chicago Staff Marshal Oct 29, 2014 #3 [The echoes of this dreaming vanish into the Dreamscape] Last edited: Sep 25, 2016
A AllianceCHI Exemplar Oct 29, 2014 #4 Can you zend me zee exact coordinates of zis place and who the current owner of the property iz? I vould like to purchase zis piece of land as my magic free haven. Thank you Jehan Wyldweaver
Can you zend me zee exact coordinates of zis place and who the current owner of the property iz? I vould like to purchase zis piece of land as my magic free haven. Thank you Jehan Wyldweaver
A AllianceCHI Exemplar Oct 29, 2014 #5 Also Artea- bet you a gold you are wrong about zee weather... Jeh
matrim1985 Expert Oct 29, 2014 #6 I'm with you on this Jehan... could build a nice resort there with big walls to keep out the nasty stuff. Fredrick Crawford
I'm with you on this Jehan... could build a nice resort there with big walls to keep out the nasty stuff. Fredrick Crawford