Sword at her hip, shield on her arm, the fiery haired Briony all but stomped her way into the tavern. She paused at the bounty board, looking over the portraits and the images of coin each was worth. Her thoughts flitted to the idea that had been bandied about. It'd be so much easier if there was some indication on whether they were wanted dead, alive, or unharmed. It was always so embarrassing to bring in an unconscious person in, only to find out they were a victim. Maybe one of her new acquaintances could show her which words were pictures for the different states.
Eyeing Garridan's poster in particular, Briony sighed. He was a good man in the whole handful of minutes she knew him. At least, he was pleasant and not entirely irritating. That made it slightly easier to ignore the poster. But by the nethers of her grandmum, that was a decent bounty attached. Ah well, maybe she could become good friends with him and when he finally died, she could scoop his body up and drop it off and be set for life.
Rubbing the back of her neck, the woman made her way to a table and dropped onto a bench. She was tired. She'd been sparring with Sarryn and that funny little Tari Nor...Siegfried? They were good. Better than her. She had a lot to learn. She set her sword and shield aside and stretched in her seat before sinking back. Idly she wondered if Borris had more of that dwarven ale he'd be willing to spare later.
Eyeing Garridan's poster in particular, Briony sighed. He was a good man in the whole handful of minutes she knew him. At least, he was pleasant and not entirely irritating. That made it slightly easier to ignore the poster. But by the nethers of her grandmum, that was a decent bounty attached. Ah well, maybe she could become good friends with him and when he finally died, she could scoop his body up and drop it off and be set for life.
Rubbing the back of her neck, the woman made her way to a table and dropped onto a bench. She was tired. She'd been sparring with Sarryn and that funny little Tari Nor...Siegfried? They were good. Better than her. She had a lot to learn. She set her sword and shield aside and stretched in her seat before sinking back. Idly she wondered if Borris had more of that dwarven ale he'd be willing to spare later.