Saw it Friday, thought it was phenomenal. At times I laughed so hard that I almost fell out of my chair, so hard that I couldn't breathe. There was so much sci-fi fan service and in jokes mixed into a story that was genuinely clever and even at times touching that as I was leaving the theater I tried to badger my wife into going again. Immediately. She reminded me about the babysitter, but on the walk to the car and thrice on the drive home I said "I want to own that movie." My wife, usually fairly tolerant of my nonsense, was amused and slightly annoyed.
Really? That was too long for you? Well, you will still enjoy Paul.
I wasn't paid to write this, but if anyone wants to, I could use the cash.
To get a babysitter, and go see Paul.
Really? That was too long for you? Well, you will still enjoy Paul.
I wasn't paid to write this, but if anyone wants to, I could use the cash.
To get a babysitter, and go see Paul.