So, zhis gathering?


Chicago Staff
I heard rumor of people getting together for some food and celebration. So vhat iz this all for? Either way, I'm coming which means that's reason enough to attend!

But seriously, vhere am I actually going, as it vill probably take me a week to arrive. I forgot Gaden doesn't have water. Seriously, how do you people survive without an Ocean?

A Simple Sailor,
Gregory Renaldo Binks III
I was wondering the same thing! I've been spending too much time in Rosk lately and it seems like Gaden is where all the excitement happens. I figure, what better time than a banquet to see what this adventuring thing is about, right? But I don't know where it is! Can someone help me out?

Feel free to join my sisters and I in Ze Rycha Voda caravan. Ve vill be making our way to zeh banquet. I herd about golems so everyzing else is just a bonus at zis point. Ve might even figure out vhat ze big deal is on our vay down!

-Beryl R.T
At this point a banquet is tradition for this time of year, but I think the excuse this year is the fall of the Horroc and the blow that the Corrupt have received. We will gather somewhere in the valley of solace I believe. But to prevent unwanted attendees (such as avenging corrupt) we will send word outside of the dreaming with a more exact location.

Events at the banquet usually include; some sort of charity auction among ourselves to help the war efforts, a contest of cooking, a judgment of style and clothing, and entertainment if we can find it. Story telling and music being encouraged.

For dinner we often get a Greater Sanctum of sorts to be cast on the area, it prevents any hostile actions from being made. It only lasts a few hours but it allows us the freedom that those in the interior have to have a fancy meal together with out worry of deadly interruptions. Also you can ware your dinner clothes without fear of getting blood on them.

We welcome you to join us,
Lilith C. Winters
There be gambling with Cho Ko Nu's Games of Chance! Bring you coin and luck!

-Cho Ko Nu
I believe that I will be visiting Gaden again for the banqet. If the mysts need me I shall heed their call. I hope to see you all again soon.

Lady Liddia FallingStar
So how do people know it's a party if novone iz told it exist? That's just silly!


A simple man of common sense
For ze number of familia attending, I assure you it vill be a party.

Acht! that might be my fault.

Ahem, Attention lord <seems to be checking something> Asher Oakheart...wait really? Well good on him, Ahem, Lord Asher Oakheart please ensure to make proper preparations for a celebratory banquet to be held one week hence. I guess it was technically my job to inform him, but what lord doesn't know when it's party time...honestly?

Sorcerer of the Celestial Guild.
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Greetings all,

On Behalf of our esteem Lord Asher Oakheart, I will accept responsibility for the preparations in 4 days. Please be watching for the scrolls with gryphon seals to be delivered as quickly as possible.

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade
Thank you Sir Victor,

I hope this banquet will live up to those of years past. While I unfortunately can not attend, I have absolute confidence in your ability to ensure things go smoothly.

- Lord Asher Oakheart