The first Plot meeting of the year happened this weekend and ye gods do I wish I were PCing this upcoming HQ season. Anyhow, I was grilling our newest Adjunct mercilessly at the end of the meeting as to what plotlines the PCs were talking about IG, and I figured I'd grill the rest of the PC population. What worked last season? What didn't? What plotlines have captured your imagination and what plotlines did you only follow because it was racial or skill specific? We have the outline for the season as far as the stories we feel need to be told or finished, but with more input as to what we did that was awesome or less than awesome we can keep that in mind when writing the specific encounters and this season's new arcs. This is mostly for my own knowledge, as the biggest part of me having fun at Alliance is knowing that other people are enjoying running roughshod over my best laid plans and having fun doing it. Please be as specific as possible in regards to what you felt worked and what didn't. "I didn't like the fishing mod" isn't helpful, but "I felt the fishing mod required too much OOG skill and Toddo smells funny" gives us something to work with when designing new oddball encounters.
-toddo (generally insecure plot-guy)
-toddo (generally insecure plot-guy)