

NEPA Staff
The first Plot meeting of the year happened this weekend and ye gods do I wish I were PCing this upcoming HQ season. Anyhow, I was grilling our newest Adjunct mercilessly at the end of the meeting as to what plotlines the PCs were talking about IG, and I figured I'd grill the rest of the PC population. What worked last season? What didn't? What plotlines have captured your imagination and what plotlines did you only follow because it was racial or skill specific? We have the outline for the season as far as the stories we feel need to be told or finished, but with more input as to what we did that was awesome or less than awesome we can keep that in mind when writing the specific encounters and this season's new arcs. This is mostly for my own knowledge, as the biggest part of me having fun at Alliance is knowing that other people are enjoying running roughshod over my best laid plans and having fun doing it. Please be as specific as possible in regards to what you felt worked and what didn't. "I didn't like the fishing mod" isn't helpful, but "I felt the fishing mod required too much OOG skill and Toddo smells funny" gives us something to work with when designing new oddball encounters.
-toddo (generally insecure plot-guy)
I was only at 2 events - the tourney and the one before that. I liked the module hooks in the woods but I also wish going into the woods was a little more dangerous / scary. I understand, though, that you can't have NPCs out there all the time, especially when it's stupid hot out.

I'd also like to see each race get a mod or important NPC or something every weekend. For example, I didn't see any elven plot at my 2 events. A tribal elder telling a story or one of Zalinarik's apprentices rifting us into the Ash Forest for a mission or something would have been cool. But not FOIL - I never got into that plotline.
Well I may be a biased opinion but here's my two cents.

Plots I had direct involvment with: Dominion, biata racial, werewolf, Icenia politics (civil war?)
Obviously I had a blast with the Dominion plaot. From day one, I liked that we had a choice. We could have chosen not to let them out. Now years later, I like how the scope and true danger seems realised. We were told years ago that "4 nations of biata together could not stand against the might of the Dominion." I like that at least conseptualy, they have been that dangerous. They have invaded the kingdom on multiple fronts, captured nobles, forced seiges, and general been every bit the danger we were told they were. I also was happy to knwo that crazy hlaf baked planes to fight them seem to be ok with plot, and that such plans do in fact have consequences. I like clear lines of cause and effect.

Biata racial plot has been kinda new for me in Ashbury, and now that a lot of it is sitting on my lap, I'll let you know how it goes. I will say that any racial plot is cool, and utilizing the biata racial stuf to give any player (in this case me, so again, biased) the chance to lead is awesome. I would be just as happy to see any other pc gain this position.

I have seen werewolf plot in a number of chapters, and it usualy plays out the same way. PC's get infected. Sometimes they wolf out, eventualy we find cure. I like the finding wolfsbane as glowing sticks at night, I thought that was a nice touch. The benni family of werewolves has become a bit of a *akhem* problem for me, but otherwise well executed. My only real "issue" if it can be called that, is that werewolf plot, no matter who runs it, is generaly the same. It was executed quite well, but its not new. Not that it has to be.

The (what I asume is) upcomming political line intrests me greatly. Most plot lines are solved with killing. Some are solved with RP, and even less look like they can be engagd on a who knows who level. Politics is a love/hate thing for me, i love ig politics, but i hate real world politics. The short conversation with Buchard was cool, then hearing his comments at the spirit fairwell put some things in perspective for me. I will look forward to where that goes.

Hope this helps you toodo.
First of all, I have to give props to the AWESOME plot committee we have. I've been around a while and I've seen lots of different plot "regimes" and this group is top notch.

I think that the Dominion plot line is brilliant. It affects everyone in the game (often in very different ways). In addition, I think that the potential civil war plot is very interesting and I'm really looking forward to see what becomes of it in 2009.

There are a number of other plotlines that have intrigued me, but many times I haven't had the time (or perhaps energy) to dig into them. I would love to learn more about Hadley Moonstream, but I still don't really know all the details. I loved that there was Mage's Guild plot with the elementals (though I obviously wouldn't be too involved with that). And racial plot is always cool.

I agree that the woods are usually aren't as scary as we'd all like them to be. I think that is often a function of limited NPCs. I know we've discussed this previously, but I would also like to see us use more of the space we have, perhaps moving battles further away from the tavern. I understand this is not always possible (PCs tend to gather near the tavern, of course), but for example, I loved it when we had the Dominion field battle on the big field below the parking lot. I wish we could get more roaming monsters on the trail, making "patrols" more exciting.

All in all, I think Plot's done an outstanding job.

I say, "Bring it on, Plot! We are ready for 2009!"

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
I don't know exactly how far it works but I know there are "remote" alarms. You have your buzzer in the woods (it doesnt make a sound there) and the receiver in NPC camp. The pcs walk by and bam it buzzes off in npc camp. If they have the avaiable resources they send out a few npcs.

Just a thought
Good feedback guys, keep it coming. :)
Robb Graves said:
wow... that's actually a really neat idea dave.

Its rare....I only get 1 of those every 4 years or so... ;)
Laguna Hallik said:
Run more Perm Kuhs stuff.

Already in the works, NPC camp misses you guys. ;) And I'd also like to use this opportunity to do my traditional begging for NPCs. We've got some SEXY npc roles coming up this season, and more NPCs= Better events overall.
I will dual plug Toddo's NPC beg, with the fact that you can't make an army, look like an army, without more NPCs :)

That, and I don't like tiring out my hardworked volunteers. More volunteers means more stuff for the players and more goblin stamps for you! So please come NPC :)

I will be NCP Basically all the events I might PC the final one for the season but besides that I will be there to NPC as Long and Collin and Lopez are driving down.
Toddo, this season I have the NPC bug. I'm feeeelin it. You say the word and I'll don the black.

Oh, and Ali, I wont be tired out this season. I dare you to try.
I expect to see you running some mods of your own this season there bud. You've been with me from day 1. I know you can do it. You are a KUH!

Don the black.

Entertain PCs.

Have fun doing it.

That is the zen of plot.
Man after reading the last like 6 post all i can say this is going to be a kick *** season!