Someone wasn't thinking.


Chicago Staff
Morning everyone, I won't say its a good one.

Last night I had terrible painful nightmares.

This morning I woke up to find myself sleeping in a WARD.

My usual morning patrons cannot enter with out me letting them in, Miss Kyrie was sleeping there as well likely very uncomfortably, and I am in a LOT of pain while trying to keep my business open as usual.

So, WHO warded my tavern last night?

Biata Owner Of Jara's Tavern
My apologies Anya, I should have woken you.
Briarpass was attacked in the night and Kovu put up a ward to create a safehaven for those sheltering under the effects of the nauseas and other effects the undead were causing. The creatures were vanquished but in the battle three adventurers were lost and while recovering from ill effects myself it slipped my mind that you were likely asleep upstairs. Soon after there were more resurrections to be undertaken, and then came word that the Brotherhood's battle had not gone well. I departed in haste to the camps to aid in resurrecting as many as possible, spending all the night in a circle. I am only now taking a quick nap before returning to that task. Please forgive Kovu, as he did not know you were sleeping there and Kovu & Hengin are in fact here in the camps with me assisting in the resurrections.

I will see you at the tavern as soon as we finish here, which may be a few days yet, it's hard to say.
I am deeply sorry for your suffering, I will make it up to you, I promise.


As Kyrie says and I can attest to, the undead abomination that is Apatow stormed the tavern with friends. Eldarion, Thud, and myself thought we had taken care of him, but he returned in full measure, and we had little to defend ourselves with, let alone the others. The Ward was our only option to save everyone inside from being eaten alive by Apatow, and I'm sure you can understand and hope you can agree with this action. The ward ensured that the tavern is a place to eat, not a place to be eaten.

Gandian Ravenscroft
Merchant of Gaden
He revived once. However he can be taken down, Thud, Gandian and myself did so once. It is simply a matter of how many times his body is able to revive on any given day which will determine hard it is for him to be destroyed in the end.

Mage of the Royal Arcanum of Caldaria,
-Eldarion Avari