Something went horribly wrong Ma?>>!


Hello out there- my family and I are trapped on some kinda rocky outcropping- having to be all quiet and stealthy like as every time we try to get down form this outcropping and set our feet on the grassy field to make our way to better horizons we get attacked by these black things- ugly they are. Had a few stories about these things I think a few years back in our homeland but now we had to flee there but looks like we are in worse shape now. A little help to safety or help to even know where we are would be grand.

Jip Fetters
Proud but Desperate Father-
How did you find yourself there? Is there a chance to get around these creatures? It sounds like it may be Corrupt and you are likely in the grasslands. Have you seen anyone fighting these creatures?

- Lord Asher Oakheart
Greetings my lord sorry to bother a noble on such a trivial matter--but since I have your attention. I lead a group of I don't know about 50 folks into the mists to escape the rioting and what back in our home. When we first got here we saw some Saar sorts fighting the corrupt as you call them but they have since fled the area. Just black things as far as we can see. Only just over a dozen made it hear from the mists- we have enough food and water to hold out for a couple weeks. Seems as long as we stay on this outcropping they mostly just ignore us.


I hope you can remain safe until then. If you can make your way N by NE you should get to a large forest. What land did you come from? I've been to a few lands so it could be any of them.

I'm sorry the majority did not make it out.

-Lord Asher Oakheart
From a village in Eastwoods- a cursed place our Duke was a good man killed by the adventurers of our land- now the King has placed Duke Henri above us and he is fine and good but without Duke Turnsen no one can save us from this Dream Devorourer fellow. So we fled but I think the mists trapped many of us and did not let them leave.

I was one of them who kill Wormson. He was not Turnson. He was worms in the shape of him. Turnson is long dead. Wormson who you took place of Turnson was servent of Kazzik.

Thing were bad kinda no matter what....

Yes of course you from Wayside. No where else has seen corrupt yet.

So ya sorry your duke got killed but at least I killed da guy dar killed him.

Goodman Jip,

His Grace Turnsen was a good man, I hope that his spirit has found peace in the hereafter. The Worm that Walks infested him and ate him from the inside. I regret that we did not find out sooner and we could not find a cure to extricate the monster from within.

If there are those still in the mysts the good people of Gaden will be able to help. Stay safe and listen to Lord Oakheart.

Lady FallingStar
Will do Mum, we will obey Lord Oakheart in all things, he shall come to lead us in this new chapter of our days.

Many Thanks to all who come save us, lost Nucky yesterday as he was trying to scout a path past the corrupt.


-Don't worry he was just a neighbor and not like my son or anything- but still a lose