February 26th - One Day "By Request" Faire Day at Jordan - Completed
April 1st-3rd - "The Siege" Weekend at Camp Parker - The infamous Castle Siege as Promised! - Completed
May 13th-15 - Camp Tanadoona - "The Mists of History"
June 24th-26th - Camp Tanadoona - "The Fate of the Crown Prince"
August 5th-7th - Camp Tanadoona - "Powers of the Past"
September 2nd-4th - Camp Tanadoona - "The Chimeric Spirits"
October 14th-16th - Camp Tanadoona - "Traitors to the Crown."
November 19th-20th - Camp Salie - "A new Dawn"
"The Mists of History"
Having recovered that which they were seeking in the lands of Pratorak, the Adventurers of Hope's Reach prepare to travel the Mists of time to reclaim the Last Breath of a True Hero. History records the deeds of a single man who fought an invading horde of Orcs with only a few by his side, and though he fell, he ended an invasion threatening the whole of the kingdom. Will the Adventurers be able to find him in time to obtain that which they need so desperately?
"The Fate of the Crown Prince"
The time to rescue the Crown Prince grows shorter with each setting sun, can the Adventurers of Hope's Reach find him in time? An old friend returns with vitally needed information, but the Prince is lost within a sea of Corrupt. Will simply knowing his location be enough, and can the Adventurers gather the requested supplies in time to make use of this information?
"Powers of the Past"
As a rising tide of elemental power overwhelms the land, the Ophidians, an enigmatic group of snake people, visit once again to communicate with the Adventurers. Can a deal be struck to the mutual benefit of both sides or will distrust and tension explode into battle? Beyond the Ophidians, the Dark Elves of the Sheltered Lands have suddenly appeared in greater numbers. What could be so important that the entire House of Roiyaru would pledge their collective honor on its recovery? Whatever it is, the Dark Elves seem to believe they have information the people of Hope’s Reach would literally kill for, a happy coincidence indeed....
"The Chimeric Spirits"
The Forsaken, being unable to prevent the Adventurers from learning about their task, have banded together for the first time in history to defend the Giant's Walk from the Adventurer's assault. Strange hazy blue humanoid creatures, deadly lizards, and hordes of the undead block their path. If that was not enough, the assorted clans of Petaran Barbarians have learned that the Adventurers have violated the taboo surrounding the Giant’s Walk and are determined to thwart their foray. Can the Adventurers put an end to the Forsaken, and if so will they unleash that which has been guarded for over 500 years by the Petaran?
"Traitors to the Crown"
When the Respite is violated, will the Baron's men be able to cope with the consequences? Will the Adventurers uphold the law of the land or reject it after learning the repercussions of a violated Respite? For the first time, many Adventurers find themselves at odds with two opposing sides, both striving for the greater good. If a balance cannot be determined, which path will they choose? Will the wrong choice doom the town of Hope’s Reach, and eventually the Kingdom as a whole?
"A New Dawn"
After the monumental events last month, the adventurers look to regain their footing and confidence in a world that seems to offer gratitude in one hand, and condemnation in the other. A gathering to reflect on the recent changes offers some hope for clarity, or for a new vision of how things are to be. Some come in hopes of realizing their goals, some come to see loved ones they've missed, and some come simply because they have no where else to go.
April 1st-3rd - "The Siege" Weekend at Camp Parker - The infamous Castle Siege as Promised! - Completed
May 13th-15 - Camp Tanadoona - "The Mists of History"
June 24th-26th - Camp Tanadoona - "The Fate of the Crown Prince"
August 5th-7th - Camp Tanadoona - "Powers of the Past"
September 2nd-4th - Camp Tanadoona - "The Chimeric Spirits"
October 14th-16th - Camp Tanadoona - "Traitors to the Crown."
November 19th-20th - Camp Salie - "A new Dawn"
"The Mists of History"
Having recovered that which they were seeking in the lands of Pratorak, the Adventurers of Hope's Reach prepare to travel the Mists of time to reclaim the Last Breath of a True Hero. History records the deeds of a single man who fought an invading horde of Orcs with only a few by his side, and though he fell, he ended an invasion threatening the whole of the kingdom. Will the Adventurers be able to find him in time to obtain that which they need so desperately?
"The Fate of the Crown Prince"
The time to rescue the Crown Prince grows shorter with each setting sun, can the Adventurers of Hope's Reach find him in time? An old friend returns with vitally needed information, but the Prince is lost within a sea of Corrupt. Will simply knowing his location be enough, and can the Adventurers gather the requested supplies in time to make use of this information?
"Powers of the Past"
As a rising tide of elemental power overwhelms the land, the Ophidians, an enigmatic group of snake people, visit once again to communicate with the Adventurers. Can a deal be struck to the mutual benefit of both sides or will distrust and tension explode into battle? Beyond the Ophidians, the Dark Elves of the Sheltered Lands have suddenly appeared in greater numbers. What could be so important that the entire House of Roiyaru would pledge their collective honor on its recovery? Whatever it is, the Dark Elves seem to believe they have information the people of Hope’s Reach would literally kill for, a happy coincidence indeed....
"The Chimeric Spirits"
The Forsaken, being unable to prevent the Adventurers from learning about their task, have banded together for the first time in history to defend the Giant's Walk from the Adventurer's assault. Strange hazy blue humanoid creatures, deadly lizards, and hordes of the undead block their path. If that was not enough, the assorted clans of Petaran Barbarians have learned that the Adventurers have violated the taboo surrounding the Giant’s Walk and are determined to thwart their foray. Can the Adventurers put an end to the Forsaken, and if so will they unleash that which has been guarded for over 500 years by the Petaran?
"Traitors to the Crown"
When the Respite is violated, will the Baron's men be able to cope with the consequences? Will the Adventurers uphold the law of the land or reject it after learning the repercussions of a violated Respite? For the first time, many Adventurers find themselves at odds with two opposing sides, both striving for the greater good. If a balance cannot be determined, which path will they choose? Will the wrong choice doom the town of Hope’s Reach, and eventually the Kingdom as a whole?
"A New Dawn"
After the monumental events last month, the adventurers look to regain their footing and confidence in a world that seems to offer gratitude in one hand, and condemnation in the other. A gathering to reflect on the recent changes offers some hope for clarity, or for a new vision of how things are to be. Some come in hopes of realizing their goals, some come to see loved ones they've missed, and some come simply because they have no where else to go.