SoMN Packing and You


Chicago Staff
Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder for all of you coming to the October event, it gets cold at night! With the smaller cabins having open windows, it can be very chilly trying to get to sleep around 3-4am (if you even go to sleep). I went my first game last October not packing for the weather, and it was REALLY cold. Don’t make the same mistake.

Remember the additional following items:

-Extra Blankets. Bring 1 more than you think you’d need. These are like Cure light potions, you can never have enough.
-Potential Rain Gear. NPCs especially, as cool as the rain was last Oct, having wet clothes with a chilly wind= no good.
-4 pairs of socks. If you’ve ever been to Wayside, you know extra socks are your best friend. They can be your friend here too.
-Protein! Be it jerky, shakes, nuts, whatever. Protein makes any weekend so much better. Breakfast/dinner is great about this, but between meals it’ll keep everything working.
-Extra Blankets!

Others feel free to add what you think is important for colder/general SoMN events.

*Boot trick- If you have wet boots, put a plastic bag in them(target bag ect), it’ll keep your dry socks dry and make the weekend easier. That’s how I survive in Wayside.
I was just about to ask this very question how much colder is the great cold of the north

How does NPC camp work out in the cold months? The doors seem like they stay open pretty often and they're not exactly airtight anyway.
KyleSchmelz said:
How does NPC camp work out in the cold months? The doors seem like they stay open pretty often and they're not exactly airtight anyway.

Space heaters, which is why we stop using the tanadoona camp after October ^.^
I dunno, Ryan, I think socks are more like Cure Lights. I once bought a pack of socks, and had used all of them up by the end of Saturday's big mod :P

Blankets are more like magic items. The more you have, the better off you are ^_^
That! is why you need to put plastic bags in your boots. I got through a very rainy Chicago event in August with plastic bags in the boots and my socks were dry all day/night. Josh/Dan can testify on that one, the bags are an NPCs best friend...and soon to be PCs.
I remember doing that during the winter when I was a kid.

Anyways, in your saying that blankets are like Cure Lights, you can never have too many, I quote Gandian, "You can have too many cure light wounds potions. I'm imagining it right now." Or something similar to that :P
Darkcrescent said:
That! is why you need to put plastic bags in your boots. I got through a very rainy Chicago event in August with plastic bags in the boots and my socks were dry all day/night. Josh/Dan can testify on that one, the bags are an NPCs best friend...and soon to be PCs.

:huh: Isn't that what waterproof boots are for?
True, I suppose I could of worn those instead of my leather ones. That would be the smart thing to have done; but when you aren't initially smart, then bags are a good audable.
i'm a new player that may npc at the novmber game if my work give me the time off if i'm npcing the first time what should i bring and is it a good idea to bring cash to use in game
Here's what I recommend:
Shower Kit
Hand Warmers
A good pair of Boots
Basic easy to run in clothing (designless is better, as are cargo pants)
Lots of socks
A coat to fit the forecast
Any snacks you might want

Unless you do not pre-register for the November event, you do not need to bring money for game as an NPC (though we do go out to eat as a group afterwards, so you many want to bring money for that).
They feed you for free, however there's a catch. You need to wake up in time for breakfast :P