SoMN's April Fools, 2016


After a careful review of our Goblin Stamp Database, the SoMN Staff has determined that some players have a distinct advantage in being able to generate Goblin stamps. Either due to crafting skills, lifestyles with extra time, or even an abundance of Disposable income. In order to Address this we are implementing the following policy.

Goblin Stamp Redistribution - Each event an Average Goblin Stamp value of all players with at least 1 goblin stamp in our data base will be averaged and broken into five brackets. With the below effects taking place during the pre-logistics phase.

The Top 20% of Players will have their Goblin Stamp total Reduce by 10%, these Goblin Stamping going into the "Pool" for this event.

The Players in the second Highest Bracket will Donate 5% of their goblin stamps to the "Pool" for the upcoming event.

Those players in the middle will be unaffected by this policy.

Those Players in Attendance at the event in within the 21-40 percentile, Will receive 35% of the pool shared equally. These goblin stamps will first Purchase a Gift Package (if Able), with the remained being spent on up to 100 goblin stamps worth of production. If there are remaining Goblin points beyond this, those will be return to the pool.

Those Players in the bottom 20% will receive the remaining Goblin stamps in the pool evenly distributed, in the same fashion as those in the 21-40% group. However players in this group will get to keep any remaining Goblin stamps left after a purchase of a Gift Package and Goblin Production.

This Policy will benefit everyone as those with many goblin stamps will likely be supported/helped by those with lower totals to help reduce Resurrections!
Let it be known that I, on behalf of all members of the Adventure Capitalists, protest this new policy and do not recognize your authority to enact it. The Chapter Owner that governs least governs best! :P
It seems to me that this policy might need a few modifications before it's put into effect:

First: You'd need to maybe look at your basic numbers for goblin stamp rewards/reimbursement. The 4:1 ratio might need to be improved for the lower bracket donating players, thus increasing the "minimum wage"

Second: You should probably ensure that all players receive at least their monthly goblin blanket if not their 50 stamps/per game day of production. Somehow making the goblin blanket/production "universal" and making it more of a right than an entitlement

Third: Perhaps a system where partial effect gift packages are available to all players at no cost, but still allowing more affluent players to purchase full effect gift packages at the usual rate. So the players wouldn't have to go into some sort of lifetime debt cycle to ensure a level playing field

Fourth: More hugs, just, you know, generally speaking more hugs

I know am in a possision of mostly mi picks however. This seams quite unfair. This chapter's mi cost is already quite high from what traveling players have told me. And the people who have alot of goblin stamps have also done alot to help the game, be it though money or donated stuff. This is alread a pay to play game, you shouldn't be making the people who dedicate more time and more money to the game have to pay more.
Alas folks, once again ya'll fell for my clever, and slightly cruel trick once again! All of this, with the exception of point four of the opposed addendum is indeed a sham.

We'd never take away rewards given to our vital volunteers no matter how they contribute!
I didn't fall for it this year! I'm so proud of me :D