Sooooo delicious!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
I did not expect you to keep your promise, but I have never been so happy to have been wrong!

I don't know what the thing was, maybe one of the vile Kin, but mmmMMMMmmm... SO delicious! Who would have guessed that a BUG of all things would have been sooooo tasty?! Fiesty and fierce, with such a satisfying CRUNCH of the shell on the outside, and yet such a scrumptiously soft and slimy inside! MmmmMMMmmmm.... If only it had screamed as I chewed! Food is meant to be heard as well as tasted, after all!

Oh well... perhaps my next delivered meal will be louder! Mmmmmmmm.... I can hardly wait!
Just thinking about it makes my mouth water! This was the BEST idea I ever had!

- Feast Croc