Sources and Who Can Purchase Them

Lorelei Beinae

At this current moment, only people with the Channeling skill are able to purchase sources from logistics/character creation. Sources are required for the use of the new ability Spark. You are not required to have Channeling to use Spark and at beginning levels, often do not have the exp to buy Channeling and spells AND Spark and have a somewhat playable card. If you can not buy the source to use Spark, something that the rules team has stated multiple times as 'a new player ability' why is it locked behind the Channeling skill? It seems like a gross oversight and a weird gate to have for the magic version of a weapon skill. It's like having only people with a One Handed Weapon Masters being able to buy swords, but people with just One Handed Edges can not.
At this current moment, only people with the Channeling skill are able to purchase sources from logistics/character creation. Sources are required for the use of the new ability Spark. You are not required to have Channeling to use Spark and at beginning levels, often do not have the exp to buy Channeling and spells AND Spark and have a somewhat playable card. If you can not buy the source to use Spark, something that the rules team has stated multiple times as 'a new player ability' why is it locked behind the Channeling skill? It seems like a gross oversight and a weird gate to have for the magic version of a weapon skill. It's like having only people with a One Handed Weapon Masters being able to buy swords, but people with just One Handed Edges can not.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm suprised that during playtesting no one had Spark and not Channeling. Nonetheless I'm glad you caught it now. I agree with you that it doesn't make much sense if its an ability focused around lower level characters that they should be able to purchase them as well.

@tieran can you please verify if it was an oversight.
I only had one because I use to do channeling before a spirit reforge from the year before. So I was lucky.
@tieran can you please verify if it was an oversight.

Unfortunately, I cannot speak to whether Spark not allowing the purchase of sources was an oversight or intentional as ARC was not involved in the development of this skill.

@Lorelei Beinae I’d suggest posting any suggestions you have regarding the rules to the Suggestion Box, which has chapter owner visibility, or communicating directly with a chapter owner or two.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'm suprised that during playtesting no one had Spark and not Channeling.
Do you have the older versions of the 2.1 beta or rulebooks to confirm if the wording was the same in them? Perhaps it was only a recent change and not an issue during .1 to .4.
Do you have the older versions of the 2.1 beta or rulebooks to confirm if the wording was the same in them? Perhaps it was only a recent change and not an issue during .1 to .4.
This is the wording of the December 2022 packet,
Scholarly Passive Prerequisite: 15 Scholarly XP
Allows a character to throw “2 Normal” using a source. This damage cannot be increased or modified in any way."

It was a vote during the 2021 symposium. It was vote #10 linked here
This is the text from ARB V2.04. page 113
"A Source must be purchased at Logistics for 2 silvers. This requires no special production skill, but only characters with the Channeling skill may craft a Source in this way."

2.1v5 page 65 is
"If you have the Channeling skill, you may purchase a Source tag at Logistics for 2 silver pieces. Sources can be enchanted, but can never be tagged as a different item."
What is the starting equipment cost for a source? 2silver being equivalency to 20 points correct?
You’d have to spend your starting equipment points on 2 silver, and then (if you have channeling) you could exchange that for a source.