Hey there,
Outlined below are a couple of policies in regard to Southern Minnesota Logistics. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them, if you need to.
~ Alexander Thompson
SoMN Head of Logistics
General Logistics Info:
Logistics Email Address
Requesting your Card
Going to Another Chapter?
Want to Retire a Character?
Regarding Magic Item Tags:
Have an LCO Magic Item from the MI Pick List you want to buy?
Have an LCO Ritual Scroll from the MI Pick List you want to buy?
Temporary Magic Item Tag Policy
Lost a Magic Item Tag, but still have the phys-rep?
Lost a Magic Item phys-rep, but still have the Tag?
Outlined below are a couple of policies in regard to Southern Minnesota Logistics. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them, if you need to.
~ Alexander Thompson
SoMN Head of Logistics
General Logistics Info:
Logistics Email Address
- The current email address that will reach the Southern Minnesota Logistics Staff is logistics@mnalliance.com. If there's anything Logistics-related that isn't covered here, send that to this address and we'll do what we can for you.
Requesting your Card
- If you wish to see a copy of your character card the way it is recorded in the Southern Minnesota Database (to check your current total of Build Points, experience, Goblin Stamps in Southern Minnesota, skills you have, etc.), please send an email to the Logistics email address.
Going to Another Chapter?
- If you are planning on travelling out to another Alliance Chapter to play a character that is housed in the Southern Minnesota Database, your current character card must be sent to the chapter you will be playing in. Our Logistics staff will do this if you send an email to the Logistics email address requesting them to do so. In this email, you should include any Build Point expenditures you wish to make before your character is sent off to the other chapter.
Want to Retire a Character?
- If you wish to retire a character using the Character Retirement Policy (which is outlined in the Alliance Rulebook) to create another character, just contact the Logistics email address and we’ll get that all straightened out for you.
Regarding Magic Item Tags:
Have an LCO Magic Item from the MI Pick List you want to buy?
- Assuming that you have a sufficient number of MI Picks and Goblin Stamps to purchase the effect(s) in question, send an email to the Logistics email address and include the following information:
1. Ritual effects being purchased (ie: 1/day Cloak Binding, +1 Damage Aura, Preserve, etc.)
2. If you have a preference for the Aspect of the item's effect(s) (Earth/Celestial), if applicable, include that information.
3. Physical Description of Item for use on the MI Tag (ie: Black, white, and red short axe with spider motif, etc.)
Once we have that information, we will create a Magic Item Tag for your new item in our database, and we will get you the Tag when next we see you at an event.
Have an LCO Ritual Scroll from the MI Pick List you want to buy?
- Assuming that you have a sufficient number of MI Picks and Goblin Stamps to purchase the Ritual Scroll(s) in question, send an email to the Logistics email address and let us know which scrolls you would like to purchase. We will then get you the scroll(s) when next we see you.
Temporary Magic Item Tag Policy
- When a character casts a ritual in-game to produce an effect that will have an ongoing duration, the target of the ritual (be it an item, character body, spirit, or anything in between) will require a Magic Item tag if the ritual is successful. Upon the success of the ritual casting, the presiding Ritual Marshal (or other Plot/Rules Marshals) will write the recipient of the ritual effect a Temporary Magic Item Tag that outlines the properties, duration, flaw(s), and notes of the ritual effect(s) upon the target in question. This Temporary Tag is to be used for the remainder of the event. At the end of the event, this Temporary Tag must be returned to Logistics. At the beginning of the next event that the target is present, Logistics will provide an official Magic Item Tag for the target. If the target will be present at an event outside of Southern Minnesota before an official Magic Item Tag is given to the player, SoMN Logistics will send the ritual information to the other chapter, which will then provide you with a temporary tag for the duration of that event.
Lost a Magic Item Tag, but still have the phys-rep?
- If you lose a Magic Item Tag (it gets thrown away by accident, it falls out in the woods somewhere and you can’t find it, etc.), inform Logistics and they will provide you with a new copy of the tag at your next event (or temporary information, if you are attending another chapter before the next SoMN event).
Lost a Magic Item phys-rep, but still have the Tag?
- If you lose a Magic Item phys-rep during the course of an event (it falls out of your pocket during a fight in the woods, it is stolen by an NPC, etc.), that’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing to be done about it except seeing if you can find it. When you lose a Magic Item phys-rep, please return the Magic Item Tag for that item to Logistics as soon as possible.
- If you lose a Magic Item phys-rep whilst you are NOT at an event (you accidentally throw it away when cleaning your house, your dog eats it, you wear it around in public and it falls off and drops down a sewer, etc.), you are not necessarily out of luck. At the Southern Minnesota Plot Team’s discretion, you may be able to supply an alternative Magic Item phys-rep to use for the item, as long as the alternate phys-rep is similar to the item that was lost and follows all descriptions set forth on the Magic Item Tag. For example, if the tag says “Jewelry: Brooch, Description: Small jeweled crab”, you must have the alternative phys-rep be a small brooch resembling a jeweled crab. The Plot Team reserves the right to reject an alternative phys-rep if it does not match the description well enough, and the Plot Team reserves the right to deny the opportunity for a player to use an alternative phys-rep.