Southern Minnesota Membership Options


As renewal for most folks is coming up soon (plus for a couple of people who have expired new player memberships and the like) Alliance Southern Minnesota is proud to announce the following membership options. All prices are for a single year, and are non-transferrable. If you have an existing basic membership and wish to 'upgrade' we'll prorate the membership (so if you had 6 months left, we'll give you $7.50 off).

Membership Level................Cost.........Benefit
New Player.........................Free.........New Players are automatically granted a 3 month membership their first game!
Basic/quarterly....................$5...........Able to play the event you are at, and grants 3 month membership
Basic................................$15..........Able to play at events, buy monthly blankets, the current standard.

Travelers..........................Special.......Travelers from other chapters with an active membership elsewhere do not need to purchase a local membership.

Paypal Option (All Paypal purchases have $1.5-$5 additional fees on top to cover our costs)
Basic ($16.50) -> ... MRZDPEEAQQ

Currently we are not offering any special promotions on Membership as we look forward to potential changes in the 2014 Season.
Is there a deadline for when these memberships must be purchased for the 2012 season?
Memberships are yearly, you can buy them whenever, although you MUST have one to play. Due to the nature of the discounts, we are not offering partial years, all memberships are exactly in 12 month increments.
Like normal fees, I assume cash in person or via paypal are both accepted?
Darkcrescent said:
Like normal fees, I assume cash in person or via paypal are both accepted?
When visiting your parents for thanksgiving and they ask the dreaded "What do you want for Christmas" question you never know how to answer, don't forget to mention these new membership options!
Stana said:
When visiting your parents for thanksgiving and they ask the dreaded "What do you want for Christmas" question you never know how to answer, don't forget to mention these new membership options!

I think this is a wonderful idea, especially if you have trouble paying for events regularly!
Couple of quick questions, in Platinum, you say an additional MI pick, does that mean additional from Gold, meaning 3 MI picks?
Also, does the Quarterly Membership mean you cannot buy Monthly Blankets?
Not to sound too much like a newbie, but what exactly is a blanket? I already paid for a 3 month membership fee through the main website. Is there something else I need to do before I come up to play?
Blankets give you more build points, which you use to buy skills. You get a blanket per day each event you go to and you can also use Goblin Stamps to buy an extra blanket each month.

Blankets don't give you the same number of build points every time - over time, they'll give you fewer and fewer. This part isn't really something you need to know, but in case you're curious, here's the way it works. You get a number of experience points equal to your build total for each blanket, and depending on your level, each build point requires a certain number of experience points. It's 3 XP/BP at level 1, 7 at level 2, 12 at level 3, 18 at level 4, etc.

Also, you get a 3 month membership free with your first event, so you didn't actually have to buy that separately.
By Request the above has been updated with paypal buttons.

Remember folks Silver and Gold discounts last a full year, including the castle event, and we review the prices at the end of each season, so now might just be a great time to 'Lock in'!
Having completed a review of our membership system we are happy to say we will be keeping these prices the same for our 2013 seasons.

Wondering if it's a good idea, here's some examples from the first year we've offered it!

Attending every Event in 2012

6 Weekend Events - $50 each, or $300
1 Castle Event - $60
2 One Days - $20 each or $40
Yearly Membership - $15

Total Cost - $415

Cost with Gold membership - $265 Total a total of 36% Savings
Cost with Silver Membership - $340 Total a total of 18% Savings

Like the extra boost of monthly Blankets? Well a donation of $90 will get you 360 goblins, enough for the whole year, or you could buy the Platinum package for $300, a savings of 40%! over the $505 dollars it would cost to attend all the games and buy 12 monthlies blankets with cash!

Why does Southern Minnesota offer these deals? Because it helps us plan to get commitments up front, and allows us to save money by paying for things in cash in advance!
Special Note, Our Premium Membership Program will only be available until march 1st 2013 due to an intended review of scheduling for the 2014 season.
Opps since we forgot to warn folks of the upcoming deadline, we'll push out special memberships until March 15th, if you expect to make the majority of the games it's a great savings, so take advantage while you can!