Special Meeting Request with Quorum Requirements Suspended

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Atlanta Staff
Summary: We will have an online special meeting to address the bylaws on Friday February 19th 2021 at 7pm EST. Quorum will be suspended for this meeting. This would treat this specific special meeting in all ways similar to a biennial meeting with no quorum requirements to pass Bylaw/policy/rules updates, though this meeting is intentionally focused on cleaning up the bylaws.

Clarification: The special vote was needed in order to suspend the quorum for the meeting which prevents the meeting from having any effect should 1/3rd of the chapters chose to not send, or make a representative available.

Vote: Special Meeting request with quorum requirements suspended
The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, Chicago, New Hampshire, Gettysburg
There were no votes against this policy

Synopsis of conversations: There has been significant conversation over the last year about cleaning up and adjusting our bylaws so that they may be better suited to Alliance as an organization over the last couple of years. This represents a step in the process towards that end and as such was widely supported in meetings and online conversations.
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