Special Offer!!! from Alliance Traverse

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
We have been working for some time to create a permanent site, so for that purpose we are offering the following:

Anyone who donates $50 cash to our chapter will recieve 250 gobbies and a 3 month membership that will start at the end of any current membership held in this chapter. If you currently have no membership with us it will start at the donation date. This is a 5/$1 ratio and a free membership valued at $10.

Anyone who donates $100 cash to our chapter will recieve 500 gobbies and a 1 year membership that will start at the end of any current membership held in this chapter. If you currently have no membership with us it will start at the donation date. This is a 5/$1 ratio and a free membership valued at $20.

Anyone who donates $500 cash or more to our chapter will recieve gobbies at a ratio of 10/$1 and a 5 year membership that will start at the end of any current membership held in this chapter. If you currently have no membership with us it will start at the donation date.

Please contact me via PM or e-mail,traverselog@peoplepc.com, if you wish to take advantage of this special offer!

Thank you all!!!
Just to let everyone know that this offer will end on May 1st 2011. So you have until then to take advantage of it if you want to.
We will still take donations after that point :), it will just be at our normal Golbin stamp ratios.
