Specific Donations:

There have been some recent additions and alterations to what we need in monster camp. You can find an up do date list here.

See below for some "Special Items!"

Here are the general things we'd like to have more of very soon:
Tabards, 6 of each Blue, Red, and Yellow.
We are no longer accepting bed sheets with holes cut in them. We are looking for hemmed, reasonable quality tabbards. 6 goblin stamps per dollar spent + 15 bonus GS.

Mens' Renaissance-style shirts, sizes M, L, XL, and XXL, all (reasonable) colors. (L and XL are the most needed, earth tones preferred).
They don't need to be frilly or puffy, they'll mostly be worn by "Farmers," "Merchants," and "Bandits."
Must be durable and machine washable.

Alliance Seattle is also in need of Wrap Pants, but not nearly as badly. Machine washable, durable, earth tones (mostly browns), same sizes as above (but they're wrap pants, so it can't matter that much).

In addition, if you have the skills and tools available, we'd like the following:
  • Wooden Signs! Preferably engraved with something like a router, painted and sealed. We need about 4, we'll let you know what they need to say if you can do this for us (just a couple words each).
  • Cowls! Similar in style to the ones that Oregon uses for their minotaur. We'd like them in specific colors/patterns. We'll let you know the details if you can do this for us.
  • Tavern Decor: We want tablecloths and mugs for the tavern. Goodwill has been a good source of cheap bedsheets that can be used for tablecloths, so long as they're dark colors. Other table accoutrements that fold up easily, like runners and the like to go on top of the table cloths, are also welcome. We've been able to find some of those pretty generic metal mugs at Goodwill recently pretty cheap, and if you happen to have a second hand store near you like that, we'd appreciate any mugs you'd be able to bring us. We'd like to encourage everyone to bring their own as well, but we need some for NPCs, new players, and folk that haven't gotten around to getting their own. It'd be nice if we could go into the tavern and have it look really nice, and easing out soda cans and powerade bottles is a step in the right direction, but we need everyone's help to do it.