Spell parry

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Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
I have a weapon with a spell parry on it.

I have a parry.

I have the spell parry weapon in my belt, but have the appropriate skill to use it.

I'm fighting with a weapon that is not the spell parry weapon.

I get hit with a spell parryable packet.

Can I use the spell parry to prevent the effect?

There is no clear indication that the weapon with the spell parry has to be in hand in either the scroll text or rulebook, but it would seem to make sense that it would be required.

The only thing I can find that would seem to support it not being needed (underlining mine, and I know it's a stretch) to be in hand would be the following, but it's 4 years old, and obviously out-of-date for the "can't be used for someone else" bit:

Subject: Spell Parry Clarification
Polare said:
Spell Parry is a special ritual effect that, while it requires a Parry skill usage to activate, does not follow the rules of Parry in any way, shape, or form. Spell Parry may only be used to stop spells that hit the person with the Spell Parry.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member

I've had a weapon with Spell Parry on it for 6+ years now, and that same ARC member has always told me I have to have the weapon out (in-hand, wielded properly) that has the enchant on it in order to use the Spell Parry on it, though that is in no way an "official" ARC ruling, it is how we've played it out here on the WC for years.
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To me this comes down to a question of intent/spirit of the rules. No, I guess it doesn't explicitly state the weapon has to be in hand, but I'm pretty certain that the intent was that it be in hand. I concur with Avaran.
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All other weapon targeted rituals require that weapon to be in hand (DA, Elemental/Earth/Chaos auras, Spellstrikes) so I'd venture a guess that the intent is the same for Spell Parry.
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Two things:
1 - the scroll text has been updated to allow characters to Spell Parry for other targets: "The Spell Parry can be used to intercept a spell on another Target if that Target is within Range as defined in the Parry Skill."
2 - the scroll text specifies "This ritual allows the wielder of the weapon the ritual ...". The text is consistent in specifying "wielder" throughout the rest of the text. I would suggest that if a weapon is sheathed, tucked away, in your pocket, it is not being wielded (weld? woldened? Walden Pond?).
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Thanks JP.

Not sure how I missed the "wielder" reference.
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Just a quick spell parry related question. If I have a spirit linked weapon with spell parry and I am hit with a disarm, which effects me. And then hit with a death spell. Can I still spell parry it while under the effects of a disarm yet still held spirit linked weapon?
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The rulebook states: "A Spirit Linked item will not be dropped, but cannot be used for five seconds". It makes no specifications on what the item might be, whether a weapon, shield, or cape. It also fails to parse out "used for any purpose" from "used as a weapon", ergo, I would suggest that you cannot make "use" of the item in any way during that timeframe. (Note - this would suggest you probably shouldn't put your AA in a hand-held item.)

(I'd also suggest that rituals covered under the recent ARC ruling re: unusable flaw don't qualify as being "used" for the purposes of Disarm/SL interaction.)
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