Spell Store Scroll for Auction Reserve 5 gold


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I have two spell store scrolls for sale. The starting bid is 5 gold. The Auction will end during dinner on the second market day. If you wish to bid privately please send your pigeon to these co-ordinates (russelld@umich.edu). I prefer open bids, but understand that may not be possible for everyone. If you are unable to attend the market day I can take a high bid for you and bid in your stead. If I do this for you there is a 10% charge in coin.

Many blessings and best of luck,
Bob the Blacksmith
A private bid for both spell store scrolls has been submitted for 5 gold.

6 for both.
9 for one. 17g for both.

10 fur one `19 fur both.

does dat mean that I would git one and tadron would git one? I'm getting kinda confused here.

I will only accept the highest bid total. If you want to work something out yourselves by all means do so, but please keep it off my auction board. Many thanks.

Dream Realm bidding is now closed. Further bids must be done in person.

Thank you.

Ahlana Antaro
Agent of BTB