Spell Store Scroll for Auction


Young Masters and Mistresses,

I have come by something I know many will be interested in. I have in my possession a Spell Store Scroll that I would like to auction off. The proceeds will benefit me and of course the kingdom. How the auction will work is it will start here in the dream realm, but will continue into the market day. In fact it will not end until around 8pm of the second market day to give everyone a fair chance at bidding. Please let me know if there are any other scrolls you are interested in and I will do my best to locate them. I would like the bidding to be public, but understand that will not work for everyone. If you must needs contact me please use russelld@umich.edu to send pigeons to since this roost is full.

I am also interested in buying any components, so if you have some to sell please see me. And if you have any other orders for alchemy, scrolls, weapons/armor or potions please try to have them to me by tomorrow so I can make enough for you.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
I will bid 5 gold on this item.

Guildleader of House of Games
Agin ah hate ta try mah luck gainst tadron but I gotta try... Lifestorm will bid 6 gold.

Just for fun then.....7 gold.

Guildleader House of Games
Sorry this item auction ended this past market day at 10 gold to TadRon.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith