Spider's cocoon


Gorka make an interesting discovery. It seems that a spider's cocoon in the process of wrapping a victim up for eating latter will also bind the wounds of its victim. possibly this developed to prevent a meal from dissipating. It will also however take away all extra strength of body if the victim is merely incapacitated by some binding or other means and will render the victim unconscious.

So if someone is dying and you can't get to them to get them healed, or you are out of healing spells to throw you may allow someone to be cocooned and cut them out and feed them a potion when the opportunity presents its self. But you must be careful that the spiders don't drag their would be lunch farther away from you.

Or if you interrupt the cocooning process please take that as a sign that that person needs healing quickly or they will become dead.

This is what Gorka thinks. Gorka may be wrong.
From my experience, the cocooning process will indeed stabilize a dying ally, but if a person is already dead when they get wrapped, they will still dissipate from inside in the usual time. So you still should be careful and mindful when you see someone wrapped, because they might be a few minutes from resurrection.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Guy who hates dealing with Spiders
Gandian Ravenscroft said:
From my experience, the cocooning process will indeed stabilize a dying ally, but if a person is already dead when they get wrapped, they will still dissipate from inside in the usual time. So you still should be careful and mindful when you see someone wrapped, because they might be a few minutes from resurrection.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Guy who hates dealing with Spiders

From my experience, zhis is probably very true.
Agreed, I was a gonner for certain, being entangled, paralysed, drained, and beaten to a pulp - however upon being cacooned these diabolical creatures did me the favor of stablizing me albeit from their standpoint to keep all the savory juices from leaking out and their meal from dissipating. I hate spiders.

See, the biggest problem we have with spiders, is when someone gets caught up in their webbing, people either don't cut them free, or as they're cutting them free, the spiders just beat on the person. If you want to help a person who is caught in a spider's web, try and push the spider back away from the person so they're in less danger...

~Healer Icey
Adventurers of Shademarch,

Some free advice. Never underestimate the power of a well-placed spell. While most spiders are immune themselves to binding, a simple repel can work wonders, and leaves another hand open to cut your friend free.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden

I was under the impression repel was a binding spell? The Children of Autumn can shrug those off as easily as a pin; it seems odd to me that a spider couldn't do the same.

Honorable Briar,

While it is true that Repel is a mystic force like other binding spells, Repel functions differently than, say a bind or web. In the case of a bind or web, the mystic force wraps aroundthe target binding their limbs together.

However, a Repel does not bind limbs or restrict movement, instead one concentrates the mystic force through an outstretched hand creating a barrier of sorts forcing the target back 10 feet from you. While many things are slippery or are strong enough to rip out of a Pin, Bind, Web, or Confine, many are not able to withstand the concentrated and sustained power of a focused Repel.

This is not to say that a Repel will always save you, but in most cases it is a useful, and under-utilized spell.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden