Spirit farewell


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
Me need spirit farewell. Me will crack the world to find it. If you have please...


Tell me where you have.

Me will give you what me have for it.

Hi Ragnarok,

I have a Spirit Farewell, but unfortunately it only works in the lands of Dragonreach and not in the lands of Gaden. If you are able to travel there, it is yours.

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Apprentice to Mathis - Order of the Emerald Flame
Wayside maybe...

Me never been there. Don't even know...

Thanks for offer....

Did ya ever deal with those water things? Me killed it good.... ya. Kendra woulda liked dat... me hope.

Me has found Spirit farewell. Thanks anyway if ya had one.

If I may know, who are you intending to target, Ragnarok?

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Has she had it before though? I do not recall. If she has though, it will not work a second time.

No. She die recently. But if she has then me will siege the graveyard of hero's to meet her
Wait, what do you mean she died recently? How do you know?

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Dat what kit said.

Ragnarok, I'm sure you have a good reason for this, but there are a lot of people in these lands that were close to Kendra. If you're going to have a Spirit Farewell cast, please have the courtesy to speak with her family and friends first.

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You have point Briar... me sorry...

I just learn she die and me been looking for her for long time.... me always want meet her.

Me sorry....

Ragnarok, ... sorry it has been a while. I just wanted to tell you the water elementals were dealt with and have been eradicated. That land is safe once more. Stand tall friend and don't hold fear.

May the best of days be upon you in all matters you attend to.

Apprentice Kat

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