Spirit Forge and Spell Mem

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Does a character who Forges into a caster (or a different school of caster, or even into the same caster but with different amounts of Formal/Spell Slots) immediately get to prepare spells/high magic?

Does a character under the effect of High Magic abilities retain these for their normal duration, regardless of their new skills?
When I used to process Spirit Forges I would treat the character as going through Logistics as if it was the first time for the character that weekend (with regards to skills, not magic items). This includes memorization of spells and spending High Magic as applicable and the removal of any pre-existing High Magic effects.

There isn't a rule governing this action; it is more of a policy question. The National Logistics Committee is the responsible body on the subject, but I don't think this method is specifically addressed in the National Logistics Policy documentation.
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It's not laid out in the text of the ritual scroll except to say that the character "may immediately reenter his or her character with identical experience and any changes to the class and skills in the character database that he/she desires." The easiest way to handle the stuation is as Seth says, and seems the most "fair" to everyone involved. I suppose someone could mildly abuse this, to "double up" on memorized spells used in a single logistics period, but if you're using a Catalyst ritual for that...
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I know it is not this system but there were battle in NERO that had many characters spirit forge in the middle of a single battle to get more life spells of the field, so I think this question needs a very definitive answer, I know I would think about this possibility if legal.

Joe Siegel
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We are limited to putting out two Spirit Forges per chapter per year since it is a catalyst ritual (chapters may vary, but it takes a lot of attendance and finagling to put out more than two in a year). I see no game balance problem to someone using a Spirit Forge as the PC equivalent of a Renew if that is all they want to use it for because the supply of Spirit Forge is so limited (and in high demand). It would be one expensive Life spell ... over here in Seattle a Spirit Forge goes for a good chunk of change.

If players are using Spirit Forges mid-battle to get more Life spells then I would question the Plot that drove that player decision than the method itself.

Anyways, Marshals don't have the authority to answer the question if you need a rule to point to (because there isn't one written for a Marshal to reference). Additionally, since this isn't really a rule question and is instead more of a policy question, Marshals and ARC are not really the people to ask about this. If you truly need an authority to give a hard line in the sand then I recommend contacting the National Logistics Committee (Matt Watkins, username Auric, is the chair of the committee).
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Don't have much time to answer this in depth right now but the simple answer is:

Does a character who Forges into a caster (or a different school of caster, or even into the same caster but with different amounts of Formal/Spell Slots) immediately get to prepare spells/high magic?


Does a character under the effect of High Magic abilities retain these for their normal duration, regardless of their new skills?


Matt Watkins
Alliance Logistics
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