Spirit Link and CSS (again?)

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Alliance Logistics
Alliance Owner
I searched and couldn't find if any one had asked this and I would like to post it to the marshal section to avoid bothering ARC (unless I have to).

Bob the Great has a Spirit Linked sword, unfortunately for Bob he has suffered his final death. Him and his Spirit Linked sword reform when he unsuccessfully resurrected (black stone or "12th" death). I happen to come down the road and notice Bob. I run over to attempt to perform healing arts on him. I find out he is permanently dead and I pick up his belongings. The swords attempts to Spirit Link to me (my response is No Effect as I am "bottled" with the CSS ritual and don't have my bottle on me/in contact with my body). I come upon a troll who wishes to eat me for breakfast. In my haste I quickly pull out Bob's sword instead of my own and strike the troll.

1) Does the sword now Spirit Link to the troll since I struck him (it is still in my possession)?
2) Can I even use the sword properly (either as a sword it self or any known rituals on it)?
3) Can the troll just reach out and grab it from my hand, causing it to be linked to him (it is still in my possession)?

*Edit: Quote from Spirit Link Ritual: If the spirit's resurrection fails, the item is reformed with the dead body and the item spirit links to the next person to pick it up as a possession, if that person has a spirit and is not at their limit of rituals upon their spirit. If that person is at the limit of the rituals on their spirit they will realize that the item attempted to spirit link to them and failed
I would say no to 1 and 3. Unless he takes it from your body.

I would say you can use it as a sword, it just attempts and fails everytime to link to you. I don't know about rituals. I mean I can use someone's spirit linked life item if it is on their person and they are dead and need a life. I don't see why you can't use the sword temporarily in that fashion.
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1. No.

2. Yes, including any rituals on the item. The Spirit Link just doesn't adhere to you. The Spirit Link doesn't provide you with the capability to use the rituals, it's that Spirit Lock specifically -prohibits- it. Ergo, yeah, you can use them just fine.

3. Thematically, sure, but our safety rules prohibit it.
Edit: Unless you're Paralyzed. Basically, if he takes it from you legitimately, it links to him.
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I would agree with the No, Yes, No answers. Personally I would say that as you do not possess a spirit, the sword would not attempt to link to you and you therefore not be made aware of any attempted link. You could use the sword as a sword if you had the appropriate skill, and if you knew the item had any other effects you could utilize them as well. Likewise, flaws would apply as with any other item in your possession. If you still had the sword in your possession the next time you came into contact with your bottle then it would at that point attempt to link.
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