So I'm heading back from a terrible place called Boemae and realized zhat I recalled a market day coming up in 20 days or so. So I said to myself, hey Binks, you have not been to a market in Wayside in years, even though you live there. Vell, I think I should be able to make it, but zhen I started vondering, what is going on, and vhere is it.
Good Baron Bluewater, Lady Fallingstar, Cupbearer Zanabanath, Lord Silp, Ser Foss or Lady Ironrose, perhaps vone of you can direct this simple merchant.
I know it'll probably be in Westhaven? or no?
I am kinda kicking myself for not asking Isabo, Novi or J'Rajj before zhey left...
- Binks
Good Baron Bluewater, Lady Fallingstar, Cupbearer Zanabanath, Lord Silp, Ser Foss or Lady Ironrose, perhaps vone of you can direct this simple merchant.
I know it'll probably be in Westhaven? or no?
I am kinda kicking myself for not asking Isabo, Novi or J'Rajj before zhey left...
- Binks