Staff Needed


We have some positions we need filled and so we are asking for any volunteers who are interested in helping out more to take a look and let us know if there is a position you believe you could fill for us. If you are interested please PM me with which position you want and we can discuss rewards and requirements.

The following is a list of the positions available and a description of those positions. If you have any questions please contact me and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Head of Rules-
1) Maintain a marshall test for all new and existing marshals
2) Keep up on rules changes
3) Train and meet with marshalls both before and after games
4) Work with head of plot to keep all aspects aligned
5) Make rules calls and adjudications

Head of Props-
1) Maintaining and repairing existing Props
2) Maintaining a complete inventory of all existing Props
3) Creating/finding/purchasing(with approval) any new Props needs for upcoming events/mods
4) Maintaining a committee to help with all of these duties

Plot Runner-
1) Write story lines that integrate into the existing plot via encounters, modules, fishbowls, and longer term plot arcs that last from 1-5 years.
2) Take and pass a marshal test
3) Help in the creation of plot tools such as race packets and generic npc templates (for example; farmer Joe or local guard).
4) Run plot at each event. This includes everything from single encounters to large scale modules.
5) Attend regular plot meetings and be active on the plot forums.
This position is for those who have the time and ability to dedicate a season at a time to our plot team. The runners are the ones who make the story happen. If you are interested and would like a complete list of the runner duties before committing to this position, send a request to

Plot Adjunct-
1) Write generic encounters, modules, and fishbowls that can fit into any event as filler.
2) Help in creation of plot tools such as race packets and generic npc templates (for example; farmer Joe or local guard).
This position is for those who want to help and are creative, with lots of ideas, but do not have the time or ability to devote to being a runner. This is a key supporting role that allows the runners to focus their energies on the story lines and personalized plot aspects of our game.

IG Newsletter Writer-
1) Create an IG newsletter for each of our weekend events and one to be posted during our winter break. (approx. 6/yr)
This is to be like an IG version of a newspaper.
2) Write articles based on the stories that unfold at our events from the viewpoint of a bystander. Can also interview characters for their view of what happened, etc...
3) Not all articles must be written by you. Players may submit stories for inclusion as well.
4) Include a "classifieds" type section.
*If someone wants to take this on as something their character is doing IG that would be fine. This does not need to be an NPC role.

Thanks to all who may be interested and I hope we can fill these positions as soon as possible. As always if you do not want to be the head of a committee for whatever reason but you still want to help we could always use committee members who assist the Head. Donations are always accepted whether it's money, items, or time. There is ALWAYS something we need.