Stag Champion's Call, Tuskies moot in a fort


Gorka wanna have a woot in a fort, Gorka bring booze and drums, and cupcakes.

One problem, fort have corrupt in it.

Corrupt are evil hive minded monsters that are bad. We kill than woot in the victory of battle. The fort is in The Sheltered lands in the country that is home to High Orcs and Stone Elves. Meet me there on the first day of the fourth moon and we woot on the second night.

- Healer Gorka
Gorka made a mistake. Its Corrupt on the outside and Necromancers on the inside.

-Healer Gorka

I don't know if you remember me or not, im the Hobling with the tasty wine and pulled pork sammiches you met in the fall.

You and your healers guild, the Reliance if I remember right allowed me to spend some time with you in the lead up to a very difficult battle against some sort of Bug Queen. Your whole group is very funny and if I can say so a pleasure to fight besides, though I did little in the way of actual figthing.

My people have been fighting a war for over a century against a hivemind not unlike your "brood" and we have them barely contained. After two years of fighting a line of communication has been opened with the Kingdom of Pretorak and they have asked us to recover a key fort held by a rogue tribe of your people. These people are tough, mean, and not afraid of a little bit of chaos so it wont be pretty.

I don't know if you could make it past the mistwall, or send any help from your guild but I'm pretty sure anything you or yours can do to help it would be appreciated by all. Either ways, I'll try to make it out of the mists again and visit your good folk of Asyl perhaps I can make Pulled Pork or some other tasty treat.

Fern Woods

I can't guarantee anything. Reliance would gladly give assistance but I am not sure we will be able to.

Where and when is this attack on the Rebel Orcs happening?
