Star wars. Lego SSD!

The company I used to work for back in 2007 filmed one of the commercials for the lego deathstar. On set the camera man knocked it over and smashed it into pieces 2 days before filming was supposed to be completed. being a huge lego fan in my youth I volunteered to put it back together, because lego wouldnt have been able to come out and fix it for a few days. Apparently they did not think I would be able to do this, because they were quite surprised to come in and find it completely rebuilt the next day.

In any event 6 months later lego sent me a free Deathstar as a thank you. It was kinda neat.
Jevedor said:
In any event 6 months later lego sent me a free Deathstar as a thank you. It was kinda neat.

That's not kinda neat.

That's Epic. :thumbsup:
Jevedor said:
The company I used to work for back in 2007 filmed one of the commercials for the lego deathstar. On set the camera man knocked it over and smashed it into pieces 2 days before filming was supposed to be completed. being a huge lego fan in my youth I volunteered to put it back together, because lego wouldnt have been able to come out and fix it for a few days. Apparently they did not think I would be able to do this, because they were quite surprised to come in and find it completely rebuilt the next day.

In any event 6 months later lego sent me a free Deathstar as a thank you. It was kinda neat.
The only that would have made this story better is if you couldn't figure out how to put the second one together.

I'm largely disappointed in the number of specialty pieces I've seen Lego putting in their products. I just like building stuff from the standard blocks (up to and including my Lego Warhammer 40k Valykrie and Vulture! :) ).
jpariury said:
Jevedor said:
The company I used to work for back in 2007 filmed one of the commercials for the lego deathstar. On set the camera man knocked it over and smashed it into pieces 2 days before filming was supposed to be completed. being a huge lego fan in my youth I volunteered to put it back together, because lego wouldnt have been able to come out and fix it for a few days. Apparently they did not think I would be able to do this, because they were quite surprised to come in and find it completely rebuilt the next day.

In any event 6 months later lego sent me a free Deathstar as a thank you. It was kinda neat.
The only that would have made this story better is if you couldn't figure out how to put the second one together.

I'm largely disappointed in the number of specialty pieces I've seen Lego putting in their products. I just like building stuff from the standard blocks (up to and including my Lego Warhammer 40k Valykrie and Vulture! :) ).

I have to agree. I grew up with Legos & Lincoln Logs and you basically had the basic 12 pieces (1 blocks, 2 blocks, 4 blocks, 8 blocks, 16 blocks, 1 flat, 2 flat, 4 flat, 8 flat, 16 flat, and then the roof tiles)...not, they got joints and curves, long angles, short angles, and bunch of other oddities.
My son loves them, but I can still make all types of stuff which just baffles him.
I love old legos too, when i was younger i built a castle 4 feet High, and also a Mark Twain house ( popular house here in Ct.) That was 4feet by 4 feet.

But evolution takes it toll, adaptability settles in. And now the specialty stuff is welcomed.

Most of the set I have ( bout 30 star wars sets). Have a fair share of specialty bricks, but there are way more traditional pieces.

Anyway that SSD is a Beast!
I work at a rabbit shelter and one of the rabbits there has a uniquely bad leg that doesn't allow him to use the regular 'pet carts' that you can put on the backside of them. I thought, "No problem, I'll go get an erector set and build him one."

Well apparently finding an erector set that is JUST an erector set and not a small, specialized building kit is next to impossible. AND apparently they've decided to make 90% of the pieces out of this semi-rigid but flexible plastic so there is actually no support of the structure. Of course, now kids would have a hard time getting hurt on it - other than swallowing all the pieces that is. :)

What's happening to my childhood!
I may be 26, but dear GOD do I want that SSD.
jpariury said:
The only that would have made this story better is if you couldn't figure out how to put the second one together.

Actually i never put the second one together. Its still in the box. I dont have a proper location to put it once it would be built and having handled the final product before I know its extremely precarious and badly balanced... thus it needs a pretty stable location to sit or it will fall over.

Really right now i dont have the space for any of my lego creations. I do have a 2 1/2 foot dragon I started building a while back. its built mostly out of technic sets and old classic pieces. On of these days I will finish it, all it needs are wings and hands.

When i was a kid i built a fully functional Voltron, as well as a transforming Optimus Prime. They sadly met their demise at the hands of an angry sibling...

I <3 Legos