Star Wars missing dialogue has been released!!!


In light of the events in the prequel trilogy, Lucasfilm has decided to release some of the missing dialogue from the originals…

Obi-Wan: Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your Uncle wouldn't allow it....your father's lightsaber. And when I say 'wanted you to have it', I'm kind of guessing there. After I chopped all his limbs off and left him to burn to death, I picked it up as I was leaving. He was kinda screaming 'I hate you' and technically he had no idea that you would survive childbirth, but I'm certain had I stuck around he would have said it.

Obi-Wan: When I met your father he was the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy... you know, for a ten-year old. And really it was all luck and the force that he managed to do anything right at all.

C3PO (on Tatooine): What makes you think there's settlements over there?
R2D2: Bleep-bleep-bloop (Translated: Because we've been here before, dumbass!)

Obi-Wan: I don't remember ever owning a droid… Well, except for that one I flew around with in the Clone Wars. Which was an R2 unit and looked exactly like this one. But I didn't technically own it per se, so you know, my previous statement still stands, kind of.

Obi-Wan: That boy was our last hope.
Yoda: No. There is another. Not really sure why you even said that, actually. You were, after all, standing right there when Padme gave birth, you held the two babies in your hands, and you personally delivered both of them to their new families.

Admiral Ackbar: Good luck, and may the force be with you. At least those of you with high midichlorian counts. The rest of you are on your own.

Darth Vader: He is here.
Governor Tarkin: Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you think so?
Darth Vader: A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.
Governor Tarkin: Surely he must be dead by now.
Darth Vader: You think? It's only been 20 years or so. He'd be in his mid-50s, at the oldest.

Aunt Beru: He's got too much of his father in him. Well, I'm guessing. Really I wouldn't know. I mean, I met him that one time when your stepmom got abducted but it was just a 'Hey, this is my stepmom's son Annakin, this is my fiancee Beru' type thing, then he was off and the next thing we know he's back, your mom's dead, and so's pretty much every Sand person within 50 miles. Which, between you and me, didn't really make me cry- the part about Sand people, not your stepmom, that was sad. So really all I know about his dad is that he was blonde and skinny and killed Sandpeople. Luke's not particularly skinny but he sort of dirty blonde, and I guess if he's got a lot of his father in him it means he'll kill Sand people, which let's face it isn't exactly going to make him the least popular guy on Tattooine, so... well, yeah, I know, something about his dad turning to the Dark Side yadda blah, but really that was when he was with Ben and we don't know Annie's side of it, I mean you're a guy called Annie it does things, that's why I like the name Luke. Plus Annie met that Naboo princess and that's what messed him up, him and the chickenhawk emperor... so I think as long as we keep Luke away from Naboo princesses he'll be okay and we shouldn't have Sand people. Well, the blue liquid stuff's ready, so let's eat and drink.

Ben: Your father was betrayed and murdered by another student named Darth Vader.
Luke: But... Darth means 'dark lord of the Sith' and is by definition a title used for Jedi who've turned to the dark side. Wasn't that a give away?
Ben: Well, his name wasn't Darth Vader at the time.
Luke: What was his name before it was Darth Vader?
Ben: Annakin Skywal... ton...sen. Annakin Skywaltonsen. Yeah, Annakin was a common name back in those times. Yep. I could go for something to drink couldn't you?

The evil lord Darth Vader
obsessed with finding young
Skywalker, has dispatched
thousands of remote probes
into the far reaches of space...
...he could've saved
himself some time
by looking on his
home planet, specifically
in his step-brother's house...