Starting to Feel Crowded at Game?


So for fun I decided to go ahead and run the numbers on this year, and the previous two to see, imperically, if we are growing, Who wants to help me make sense of the below Data?

Full Weekend Data Only

2012 Twelve Season Thus far - Smallest game, 48 Folks, Largest 65, Average 57 and one third (That would be Mr.Foisy from Chicago...Bazinga!) LPE (Larpers Per Event)
2011 Season - Lowest 34 People, Largest 62, Average 47.5 LPE
2010 Season - Lowest - 30 People, Largest 62, Average 39 LPE

Roughly Speaking our average attendance per game goes up by roughly One-Two Larpers each and every event that we run!

Other interesting notes

1. July and August are AWFUL times to run an event, averaging roughly 10-12 Less attendees compared to the rest of the year.
2. October...if a crazy good month for Larping in Minnesota, This may be due to the time of the year, or do to usually landing around the season closing time.
3. November is typically a low turn out as well, likely due to it's close timing to holidays and the cold.
4. The Rate of Growth has been Accelerating (however slowly) and we have never had a decrease in numbers year over year yet in 4 Years of running games!
5. Each Year has seen an increase in Volunteer staffers, 99% of the credit goes to them! (That's right, I'm the 1%)
6. While specific numbers aren't available the above numbers suggest we are within the top 3 average attendance rate in all of the Alliance!

At any rate, was bored over lunch, though I'd share, Thanks for making this such a crazy ride folks, and can't wait to see everyone this evening.

As a side note, Here is hoping folks keep coming like they have been this year and push that average over 60 for 2012!
Thanks for these numbers Dave! (Bumped for Ryan's benefit)