Statements from the Crown


Alliance Rules
Chicago Staff
To All Citizens of Gavaria,

After careful consideration, the Crown has decided to release the following statements.

Baron Thomas Miranda

Several months ago, Atupali residents and Royal Soldiers conducted a joint raid on several holdings of Miranda Family Trading and the Estate of Baron Thomas Miranda. The Miranda family stands accused of numerous crimes and supporting evidence has been collected. Baron Miranda was not present at his holdings during the time of the raid and thus far not disclosed his location, communicating exclusively through his barristers. Baron Miranda will be afforded a trail as is his right. After extensive discussions with the Barons liege, Count Uralis Tillbane, we have come to the agreement that the matter should be resolved internally. Count Tillbane will oversee the proceedings of the trial and Baron Miranda will attend or be branded an enemy of the Crown and have all his assets seized.

Magnus Varov

Magnus Varov, the individual responsible for the undead emergence in Passwall, has been captured and is currently being held by Count Moko Tanno. Magnus Varov was captured by Atupali Adventurers after he agreed to pacify the undead as much as was in his power. The Adventurers returned him to a living state before turning him over to Count Tanno. While Varov surrendered quietly and did his best to assist in the ongoing Passwall crisis, this does not excuse his actions and will not garner him a lessened sentence. Magnus Varov's sentence is permanent death. In recognition of their heroic deeds and instrumental involvement, the Adventurers are invited to nominate an executioner to conduct the Obliterate on Varov. Varov will be made available for a final interview preceding his execution in the interest of the safety of the realm.

Duke of Passwall

Due to the unique involvement of the Adventurers of Atupal, their opinions are to be held in high regard as to the appointment of the next Duke of Passwall. At this time no final decision has been rendered between the nominees of Count Moko Tanno and Count Uralis Tillbane. Pending the results of Baron Mirandas trial and an official census of Atupali opinion, expect a new duke to be appointed within the year.

In Service,
Sir Euron Gavar, Royal Protector
on behalf of her Majesty Queen Pavia Gavar