Stepping through the portal (sept 4 am)

Stepping through the portal the Colonel looks around the market place. Not seeing anyone right away he proceeds toward the common area, glancing at the Sanctums circle of power to see if Mobeous was there. Rounding the corner of the building he calls out, "I'm looking for the Magistrate or the Sheriff."
While on his regular patrol of the town Kerza spots the Colonel, and changes course to follow him at a respectful distance.
Stepping outside the Howling Crag, the Colonel sees Kerza waiting for him. "Recruit, what do you have to report?"
Kerza straightens his posture as he brings himself to attention before the Colonel.

Sir, Parson’s breach has been rid for the most part of the Goblin filth that infested it, however the Arch Mage has decreed that one female goblin Gern may not be run off or killed.

Kara Vale has gathered the Gnolls to her cause, and sends them into Parson’s Breach to gather metal. The Home Guard kills them on site, but the towns’ people generally ignore the beasts unless they are directly attacked. The Elven metallurgist she kidnapped has been rescued and is currently wandering around the market place, he wears a yellow tunic. More of the strange metal we found at the Festival of Crows was discovered and gathered from the mines, after they were cleansed of some form of sightless man-worm creature. Baron Wheatly’s crops are still secure in the Dryads groves following the extermination of a pack of spore creatures that threatened it.

Night still brings attacks by the Undead hordes, as such I have focused my patrolling in the twilight hours. Though still a recruit I am often required to devise my own duties, lacking orders from my superiors in the Home Guard. I have heard rumors that this is being remedied however.

I was cited for a single instance of drunkenness on duty for which I accept full responsibility and any punishment that is seen fit, though I do not remember drinking anything before the incident and suspect I was poisoned.
"Yes, steps have been taken to remedy the lack of leadership here. Hamish has been enlisted by the King, he has been promoted to Master at Arms and will be taking over as the ranking member for Parson's Breach. Mar has been demoted to the rank of Footman till he gains the proper the proper training and skills. Also Third has been enlisted and given the rank of Footman. I'm expecting a vast improvement in the field operations around here."

"You say the metallurgist has been seen around the market area? I was informed that he was being escorted back to Calanhelm, but yet he is still here?" The Colonel looks very displeased.

"And more of this metal has been found? The King tasks that the elf and more metal be found AND NO ONE HAS THE DAMN SENSE TO RETURN EITHER OF THEM TO THE KING? THIS OUTPOST CAN NOT EVEN TAKE CARE OF ONE TASK LET ALONE TWO SIMPLE TASKS!"

Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, the Colonel starts walking towards the market. "After we locate the Metallurgist, you are to report to Isawda in the tavern, inform him that by my orders you are to serve one hour in the stocks for drunkness while on duty."

Walking through the market area checking all the stalls they finally find the elf, resting in the edge of the treeline. "My friend, Yenlamin? I've been sent to take you back to the city."
"About damn time, I get dumped on a bench and left to fester in the sun. Two weeks I've been wandering around this rat and goblin infested town. Remind me to never get rescued by this lot again." With that he stands and walks towards the portal.

The Colonel pauses, "Thank you Recruit Kerza for your honesty and your report. That's the best report I've had from Parson's Breach in well....... ever. Now report to Isawda."

A shout is heard from the portal, "Hurry up, I want to get out of here, thank you very much."
Kerza's heels click as he straightens, "Sir!".

He turns and marches towards the town of center, the hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.