Still seeking shattered crystals


Chicago Staff
Good people of Terna,

As was mentioned 4 months ago, my masters and their apprentices are searching for pieces from The Shattering in order to study and observe. Such a celestial event does not happen every day, and we wish to truly understand potential magics involved, if any, for the betterment of Fortannis.

My masters and I are offering 10g with any information that leads us to ones location, or 25g for a shard of an actual crystal itself.

Please bring such information or crystal to one of The Nine's towers, and as stated before, if transportation is needed, we will supply such.

I thank you for your time in listening to this dreaming,
Apprentice to Leviticus of The Nine
I wish to personally and publically thank the good merchant Xander Hosworth for brining a piece of the blue crystal to the tower. The research of this strange magic will potentially hold great benefit for Terna. Your fee was well earned.

Thank you,
Again, I extend this offer out. While one piece has proved interesting, I would love to be able to study another shard. The offer still stands as initially communicated.

- Jasper