Strength in Numbers


On a night when as many of those with the caravan are assembled in one place as possible Killian clears his throat and asks for the attention of those present. “Some of you know me from the fight in the Auros Mountains against Abana the Red, others from these past few months with the caravan. I have found a willingness to work together for the common success of the group, especially in those new adventurers who put their trust in me to lead them. Those veteran adventurers who call Fox Bridge their home were gracious enough to allow me to lead a squad during the battles in the mountains and those adventurers both new and old who followed my words met with great success. I am humbled by their trust. I would like to propose the creation of a Fox Bridge Militia led by myself and Saoirse who has proven herself capable and trustworthy beyond a doubt in my mind. Those that would like to see their skills blended with others to produce a more effective fighting force would only have one thing required of them to join. . .their word,

I have no ambitions of forcing military rule over others, nor of punishing those who disobey my orders. You would be here because you want more success in combat or more use in tactical situations. If you don't listen I will not command you further. I will not hand out punishments, I will not give scathing rebukes if you choose to share an opinion, even if it counters my own. All I ask is that if you want to be a part of this that you meet with me and give me your word that you will listen when I lay out plans, will follow when I ask, and fight when it is necessary. You can be a part of any organization or group you want aside from the Militia. The only time I will take from you is in some minor training to understand the basic formations for success. Otherwise your time is your own until the fighting starts. I have already had many wish to join this, some from the mountains, and a few from this very caravan. I welcome any questions you may have, or words for or against this venture.” With that he nods to Saoirse across the way and to those who have already pledged their words to him and sits down.
Friend Killian,

I wanted to say thank you again for helping direct the course of battle at the last gather. Your actions were very helpful in giving many direction and purpose.

I feel the militia is a good idea, but may already be something present within Fox Bridge/Sedovia. I would suggest speaking to the Baron or the Magistrate regarding the formal formation of such a group. Sedovia is fond of its rules and regulations, and there are most likely steps needing to be taken in order to not step on toes, or over Sedovian groups already tasked with militia duties.

Safe travels to you, and I hope to see you at the next gather,

Killian nods respectfully to Amory. "That is a good idea Ms. Amory. I seek to keep this as informal as possible but will seek out the Baron or Magistrate to ensure that I won't be getting in anyone's way. In the meantime I will continue to establish the group and if changes need to be made to the structure in order to satisfy those in power I will do so."

I have many thoughts about this and would like to discuss them with you at the next gather. Though I have only been in Foxbridge a year, I have seen many seasons of adventuring and have much to share about this particular topic.

Sergeant Bevin, Royal Army of Gaden