Strengthening and Silvering Clarification


Mcmeanie wrote:
The merchant skill allows you to sell game items to logistics for it's PP value in game money. The PP value for strengthening and silvering would appear to be 1 silver per PP, based upon what is written under the Blacksmith skill. When selling silvered weapons or strengthened weapons/items to logistics do you receive 15 silver for the silvering and 50 silver for the strengthening or 15 copper and 50 copper respectively?

Polare wrote:
Unfortunately, you only receive the Production Point value in game money when selling an item, even if it has costs associated with it above and beyond the pure Production Point cost.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member

To clarify : Despite both strengthening and silvering a weapon having production point costs associated with them, those costs are not considered to be valid for purposes of selling them to logistics, but rather only the base PP value of the weapon? If this is the case, would the ARC mind a bit of exposition on the reasoning behind it?
Wraith said:
To clarify : Despite both strengthening and silvering a weapon having production point costs associated with them, those costs are not considered to be valid for purposes of selling them to logistics, but rather only the base PP value of the weapon? If this is the case, would the ARC mind a bit of exposition on the reasoning behind it?

I would recommend that you speak to the owners who voted on the wording as to the reasoning behind it. ARC interprets the rules, we don't come up with the wording (in many of the cases, anyways). As has been noted in the multiple questions raised on this issue, the wording which was voted on by the owners is very clear. If the owners would like to vote for a change to the wording, we would be quite happy to reexamine this rule - but that's simply not what the rules say right now. I would personally prefer it to include strengthening/silvering costs as that seems to make sense to me, but I am not an owner and cannot speak as to the reasoning behind why the wording was chosen as it is.

This really isn't the best place to ask about *why* a rule is the way it is; this board is really meant for asking "hey this isn't clear can you let us know what we should do here?". The owners vote on the rules; ARC interprets the rules. Thus, the people to ask about *why* a specific rule is the way it is (when it is clearly and unambiguously written, as in this case) are the owners, not ARC.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
This question has been cross-posted to the Owners' Section of the boards for discussion.