Stuff for Shinies!


Chicago Staff
What a journey this has been! The powers of Celestial Magic are amazing! I’ve learned some great things, and I’ve even created...well helped...well watched the creation of some cool trinkets. However, trinkets don’t really do anything for me. They simply sit around and collect dust. No, what I need are the shiniest of shinies! So I have 3 trinkets I’m willing to trade for large amounts of shinies!

Trinket #1: 100 silver
Trinket #2: 200 silver
Trinket #3: Wait for it....300 silver!

They are really super good, because a dragon made them..mostly. In any event, I'm going to stumble by Westhaven for Breakfast Saturday and see if any of you folks want to trade for shinies.

Now I know what you're thinking. Oh, hey, this Kobold is walking through town with 3 wonderful items, or even better, hopefully 600 pieces of shinies, let's murder him! Well I'm going to tell you that's a bad idea. One, because I have a dragon friend, and Two, because I have a dragon friend who can make it so you were never born...I think....yeah....think about that one would-be-robber-McGee!

- Seep
Apprentice to the great and powerful C
Apprentice Seep-
Will Celestial be with you? If not is there anyway I can get message to him through you - it is vital.

Thank you very much and I hope to hear many tales of your training at breakfast, my treat.

Yours in Service,
Interesting, I'll make sure to look for you Seep.

- Lord Enan Bluewater
Defender of the Azure Keep
Seep and Celestial,

Congratulations on your studies going well.

Lady FallingStar