Stupidity inside


Ah, at last curiosity has brought you all here to read what promised to be an amusing tale and to some it very well may be, but I intend for this to be one of thought. For those of you that do not know me or how my mind works it is problematic for me to continue without a explanation of this, for those of you that do know how my mind works, it would be boring for you to continue reading what is about to be explained so please skip to the break. My mind seems to be in a constant thought process, of hyper analytical information, going from point a to point b then jumping to point z for the conclusion, in my experience, these conclusions are actually seldom wrong even tho sometimes I wish they were. To keep my mind from doing this on a constant basis I use to go threw a series of children songs and limericks this would keep me from thinking about things that I had no intention to think about in the first place, and also prevented me from seeing or drawing incorrect conclusions. As time progressed I discovered that pain was a very good substitute for these repetitive actions, this did not mean that I inflicted pain on myself, it was simply a observation, one that while I was in pain I still could hold a clear thought in my head and still analyze it. The previous lead to me forgoing getting my wisdom teeth pulled until recently because the pain kept me in check and prevented me from doing something stupid such as over analyzing friendships and personal relations. With said removal of teeth there was a lot of pain for the first few days, and then it all vanished, and I was not prepared as a result my mind got away onto a multitude of stray observations and thoughts.

If you've come this far either your interested in seeing were this is going or you simply delight in reading poor English. Over the weekend I attended my first NH event and had a blast, but do to the lack of pain in my mouth I was taking in many sights I probably would have just ignored, little things with my friend and reactions. These observations lead to thoughts that I sincerely hope are not true but more importantly lead to actions on my return, that I would advise against for everyone. So I say this to anyone that has a mind that works even remotely like mine. 1. If you think a friend of yours might not be a friend, don't act then regret it but instead simply ask them. I can guarantee based on their reaction to the question you will be better off 2. if a stupid thought enters your mind anything, and I do mean anything like the thought of self harm to make everything else go away, think again there is another solution, and finally 3. should you have made the first two mistakes, do your best to let the other person know how you feel and that your sorry and 4. should all else fail, call someone anyone and talk to them, should you need someone to talk to and not have anyone to talk to my door is always open. If you need my phone number and don't have it PM me and I will be happy to help. But ABOVE all else remember this just because a moment of weakness makes you feel wrong, sad, tired, or otherwise miserable please remember that we are all here for you and will always be.

In memory of
Micheal M. Kartan
well. (thats a deep subject yes i know) but honestly...I don't know what you're trying to say. The end of your post let me wondering what the bajeebus you had done and whether or not Michael (in memory of) was a friend you had done away with and was in a trunk in a basement or perhaps in some cement somewhere or your name was Michael. I hope all is well and I am glad you had fun in the Deadlands. Hope you make it to the next event next Friday. My mind also will go in haywire directions from time to time including at 3 a.m. when i know i should be sleeping i will overanalyze things to the point of needing to write them all down. Also from time to time I will overanalyze what somebody meant by something usually taking it extremely personally and then feel odd about it, when had I just asked the person they never meant it that way and I should never have felt bad. So...I think we all do weird things from time to time and again. I hope you are well. and I hope...whoever Michael was/is his friendship is a good memory.
sorry lack of sleep made that not to clear, he committed suicide sunday night/monday morning, theres more to this but I haven't slept since then so I will wait for my mind to clear then I will re-write this in a more orderly fasion
I'm so sorry dear. If you need to talk feel free to chat here or if you're at Deadlands you know you can talk out of game to me if you feel the need...
I appreciate it, and at the moment I do not believe I will be making it to deadlands, I have had but a total of 4 hours of sleep since this happened (give or take an hour) and do not currently trust myself on the drive, unfortunately my partner in larp is stuck working the whole weekend