Summer events


with the overhauls and whatnot, are we in any position to expect events over the summer?
I be hankerin for a NERO fix, but gamedays are too pricy a trip for me at this time :
Yeah, there are two oregon events between now and when seattle is running again. They are:
June 16th-June 18th, @ Silver Falls Youth Camp (not the Ranches like the last one, but a youth camp about twice the size of millers) and
Sept. 8th-Sept. 10th, also at Silver Falls Youth Camp
Also note that currently the price to PC and NPC are $5 and $10.
Usually its free and $15.
Which means that if you'd like to pc at one of our game days its cheaper at least this time around by 5 buck.
Our next game day is on june 3rd at Hamilton park.
the price of the events isnt what gets me...its travelling to Seattle from not so sunny Victoria BC that kidney shots my finances, but still, good to know!
PCing would be tough at this time though,...all my gear is down in portland

I think Ill try make a Portland event if i can get the time off work, and try pull a twofer and get my stuff moved back up here while im at it