Superman is a big ole jerk.

"Fingers... Alive... And trying to kill me!"

That made my whole day. It was all downhill from there.

There's a reason I never got into comic books.
You think that cover is funny, imagine Billy Shatner saying it.

If anyone hasn't read every cover on this site, you're so missing out. The different sections are hilarious.
Super-mathematics.... apparently you miss the answer by a factor of 10. Seems like regular mathematics would be far superior.
Super-kisses. I want to order me a jug full.
And best yet... Super-weaving:
Yes, it's true. Apparently Superman officially had super-weaving as a power. Why couldn't they just say "I'll just use my super speed to weave this real quick?" you might ask? Because then they couldn't impress you with the sheer awesomeness of Superman having super-weaving powers.

And one of the best signs of Superman being a jerk.... he and Batman find a time machine. But, of course, they don't use it to go back in time and save Bruce Wayne's parents....