supporting our fellow chapters


One of the best things about being in the Alliance is the fact that our characters can go to any other chapter runninhg a Fortannis game and play. I know some people can't travel, for whatever reason, but for those who can? Oregon has a game coming next weekend!

If you are unclear on the process:

Ping logistics to get your character transferred down to Oregon for the event
Go to to pre-reg
Show up on Friday and have fun!

That's all you have to do. I would also urge people to consider going to SF's coming 3 day event over July 4th. I plan on having a car going, and caravanning would be awesome!
Seattle players Pre-regged for Oregon so far:
Dave Overman, Brad Lewis, Nick, Brewer, Mevima Winn, Shane Renner.

Characters transferred for:
Mevima Winn, Lyra Reynolds(no pre-reg), and Shane Renner