

Tad, are you out there?

I'm cold, and hungry...

I feel lost... can you help me find my way again?

Your Apprentice, Fayne
I have not seen TadRon's dreams for a while. Perhaps I can help, if you find you way to BriarPass seek me out.
Liddia FallingStar
Tad is not prone to responding to dreams. However, should I have the occasion, I shall kick him in the shins for you. Mayhap that will get his attention.


I am sorry that I have not responded in a much more timely fashion. I have been away on personal matters for quite some time now. I am happy that you have contacted me and I am happy that your still willing to adventure.

I would like to meet up with you again at the next marketday up here. Can we make this happen? Let me know what I can do to see you here. I will even get you your own bunk :).

Till we meet again old friend. Safe travels.

Proud Guildleader of House of Games
TadRon sposed to be in town for Elle's Birthday.... but he miss it.... Meanie.