Taking orders for October

Does anyone need any alchemy made or new weapons forged or strengthened? My costs depend on how much you buy, but 1 and a half times the rate is normally what I charge per item.

Fortune And Love Follow You All,

I will not offer to meet or beat your prices this time, since I can not make this market day.

Many blessings and good luck,

Bob the Baker
Come now, Master Baker, a little healthy competition is always of benefit to the market. You two will sharpen your entrepeneurial skills and we will receive competitive pricing.

Speaking of which, I still haven't heard from you regarding my two different orders. Any progress?

Master Dramthin Hartsboon
Simple Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Young Master Dramthin,

I must confess that not much progress has been made because I have not been near to my suppliers. Your weapons are ready anytime, would you like me to send them on with anyone? Or will you be at the next gathering in Prath Moore?

Many blessings,
Master Baker - I will be, most likely, attending the coming gathering near Horn's End. and the endmonth gathering in Briarpass. I'm known to most people in both lands and would trust anyone you felt was a functional go-between. You could also drop them on the back of a caravan passing by my lands in Briarpass, if that would be easiest.

Master Dramthin Hartbsoon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove