I send this as a way to keep Waymaker Banradi's post clear as he requested .
So- the stone breaking this past Saturday- it was under my requests it was used for the large group. This is not being sacrificial or speaking for the case of speaking. This is me taking responsibility for the actions that led to the shattering of a Waystone. The choices were mine and the requested actions are mine-the Waystone shattering was my fault and only my fault.
I do this publicly for two reasons- One, so the person who will soon be out a Waystone key that cost them a good amount of coins - I may not have enough gold to repay you for the generous use of your Waymaker key but I will make it up to you. I thank you again for your assistance and work to help me with the Beekin.
Secondly- because I want to make it clear- I am admitting I made a mistake that caused pain and loss for others. I effected the whole kingdom for inadvertently removing a Waystone from the fragile network. I effected the people of the area who may rely on that stone- and with that I ask the Solar Guild and Waymaker Banradi to consider placing a new stone at that location as soon they are able. If there is a cost associated - I will handle it. Lastly - I harmed Waymaker Banradi and his home- that is rude and unacceptable even if it was an ignorant accident - so that too must be addressed.
If any find any other fault in this- please let me know- so I may learn from my mistakes.
Yours In Service,
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So- the stone breaking this past Saturday- it was under my requests it was used for the large group. This is not being sacrificial or speaking for the case of speaking. This is me taking responsibility for the actions that led to the shattering of a Waystone. The choices were mine and the requested actions are mine-the Waystone shattering was my fault and only my fault.
I do this publicly for two reasons- One, so the person who will soon be out a Waystone key that cost them a good amount of coins - I may not have enough gold to repay you for the generous use of your Waymaker key but I will make it up to you. I thank you again for your assistance and work to help me with the Beekin.
Secondly- because I want to make it clear- I am admitting I made a mistake that caused pain and loss for others. I effected the whole kingdom for inadvertently removing a Waystone from the fragile network. I effected the people of the area who may rely on that stone- and with that I ask the Solar Guild and Waymaker Banradi to consider placing a new stone at that location as soon they are able. If there is a cost associated - I will handle it. Lastly - I harmed Waymaker Banradi and his home- that is rude and unacceptable even if it was an ignorant accident - so that too must be addressed.
If any find any other fault in this- please let me know- so I may learn from my mistakes.
Yours In Service,
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk