Taking the Cure

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After a long, long day spent scouring Parson's Breach for the ring he lost, Third trudges toward the Earth Circle, and casts about.

"Fredrick? Are you around here somewhere? I think I need to take another dose of that potion you brewed. I'm starting to feel a little funny....."

I don't think you should take another dose for a few days. Any more that 4 drop can kill and we should wait to see what happens at the moment."
Thinking toughtfully for a moment. "We will does you again tommorow and see how it works."
Third wanders back to the Earth Circle yet again, looking somewhat ill at ease. "Are you here, Fredrick? I think it's past time for that next dose, dangerous or not."
Gasping for breath, his heart racing, Third stumbles into the tavern in Parson's Breach and drops into a chair. Sitting sprawled across the table, he tries to slow his breath and ease the pounding of blood in his ears, with little effect.
Jaxx wanders by, nods to Fredrick and pauses a step. He turns to look at Third. "Say, it looks like all this action has managed to put some hair on your chest... and apparently your face as well. Don't worry, the ladies like a man with some hair." He cracks a smile, showing off his fangs a bit and then continues on his way.
Giving Jaxx an unfriendly stare, Third turns back to Fredrick.

"Fredrick, it's been several days now, and I think I need another dose - especially as I intend to set out for Calanhelm in a few days, and it's a week's journey to get there. Unless you also intend to travel to Calanhelm? In which case, we could perhaps travel together and bring several doses of the cure with us.
I would be best not to take another does after that last affect. I think another wuold be a little more dealy and the cure is not having the initended affect. I will travel with you to Calanhelm. I have a few things to take care of myself and I will check in with an expert on cures like this one.
Third wakes up after a very uncomfortable sleep under the bright moonlight. Between constant nightmares and the snoring of his traveling companion, Fredrick, it was a wonder he did not loose his mind. Stretching a bit and getting the kinks from his neck he notices a smell. It wasn't there before. Coppery? Maybe tinny? He opens his eyes further taking a better look around when he notices something else. The quiet. Fredrick's incurable snoring has abated! As he turns to regard his companion he comes to the realization of why.

Fredirick lies still, in a pool of his own blood. His throat ripped from his body, several gashes across his chest have exposed the now empty ribcage! His heart has been torn from its protection.

As Third jumps to his feet and draws his blade, he suddenly realizes that his hands are covered in blood! The blade's hilt slips from his grasp and clatters to the floor. As he stares down at the silver blade he no longer sees his face, but that of a wolf! Snarling teeth, stained with blood. His muzzle matted with the thick essense of life!
Third can hear a calling. It's faint. It's a whisper mostly. "Third it's time. Your journey awaits." Violently the world begins to shake and shutter. The ground rushes up to swallow him! Blackness is all around him.

Suddenly he awakens to Fredrick standing above him, not a mark, or a scratch upon him. "Third, we must get to Calanhelm. No time for sleep." Fredrick turns to pack up the campsite.

Just a dream? Only a dream! Third begins to pack up his gear as well. When he picks up his Silvered greatsword, he notices a splotch of blood upon it that was not there the night before.......
With a sudden jerk Harlequin woke from her nap in the trees.
Scanning the paths under her through the trees she looks for the sound that woke her, and sees nothing.
Lifting her face to the breeze that rustles through the leaves she tries to scent for something new and foreign, smelling just the damp ground far below her she shakes herself and prepares to leave her cover.
Suddenly a memory of a sound surfaces and she pauses in her descent. That noise, what had it been? It felt like it sounded familiar, like something from a bad dream.... and the smell...
Laughing at herself she breaks into a toothy grin, sounds dont have smells!
Pushing branches aside Harlequin moved out along the tree limb over the path and dropped to the ground.
As she landed in a crouch a shiny liquid patch on the ground catches her attention and she sniffs it. Pulling her head back quickly from the small puddle she shudders and looks around her with more focus on the ground area than she had from in the tree searching for some disturbance to explain the polluted blood.
Still seeing nothing she decides to move along, hoping to find something to fight and kill.
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