Tales of zhe Past


Chicago Staff
Vonderful people of Hope's Reach! You're probably thinking to yourself, "Why yes stranger, I am quite vonderful, thank you." In that I reply you're vost velcome!

Now, I have heard news of your Prince returning to your lands. Oh zhe tales of your adventures leading up to this event must be those of legends. I have heard many tales across Fortanis but I vish to seek out many many more. I zhall be traveling to Hope's Reach for zhe next market day in 6 days. Before then though, I vish to hear tales of vonder! Tales of true heroism, true struggle, true veauty! Oh how enchanting your stories vill be if others could truly hear vhem!

So I shall make vone request:

~Adventurers new, adventurers old,
Tell me your tales of those brave and bold.
Share vith me the laughter and tears,
of struggles and triumphs experienced throughout vose years.
Such treasures of beauty, enchanted items of lust,
Monsters slain, comradely and trust!
Send me your tales, let your stories unfold!
Through pigeons I zhall receive, to others vhey zhall be told!~

I look forward to vhat dis vonderful town has to tell!

Just a simple bard,
Gregory Binks
Surely zhere must ve someone in Hope's Reach with some great tale of adventure! If not, it vould appear I'd have to witness some myself and spread zis towns heroics around all of Fortanis!

A simple cook,
Fear Not couzin vith enough vine the storiez become great and nodoubt adventure vill ve had...I have some intoxicates iv the vino iz veak zo fear not boredom..

Kitaruen Kopanari
while tales of great adventure are quite beautiful and sometimes hard to believe, telling them in this dream realm is not a good idea in my opinion, so i'll keep mine to myself until we meet face-to-face, for some may my stories not to their liking.

Iganeous Ironforge
I apologize for the near useless intrusion, but I believe you meant "May find my stories" Iganeous. It was one of those things, like a goblin poking you with a sharp stick, I just had to do something, or it slowly would've driven me insane.

Brother Icey.
I think a goblin poking me with a sharp stick would drive me to action pretty quickly, depending on how sharp the stick is.
you're quite right brother Icey, what i meant to say is that some may find my stories NOT to their liking. in this dream realm one must concentrate on what one wants to say in order to say it here.

Iganeous Ironforge
'Tis why I mentioned such zhings should come via pigeon! So zhat only my eyes can read and enjoy such tales!

~A simple...