Teasers, Announcements, and Rumors


Gettysburg Staff
We have a lot planned for the 2013 season! Six events are planned to take place throughout Barran, and we're looking forward to having fun with everyone on both sides of the fence. In additions to teasers for each event, we'd like to give people an idea of what's going on in the world around them, including events that may be common knowledge to those traveling our world. We hope you enjoy what we have in store for you, and watch for more information showing up in any number of ways!

In addition, some race packets may receive addendums throughout the season due to changes that at least in part have been inspired by on-stage events. We'll make announcements as such documents become available. If you play a Barran-born character and have questions, feel free to contact us at barran.racialplot@gmail.com

Kin and beasts have begun raiding the peaceful lands of House Pryderi. With their intentions unknown, the raids are quickly spreading out of control.

Far to the east the Adharcroi have been seen chasing shadowy creatures through several forests. The horned folk involved will not speak to anyone and threaten any elf they encounter with violence, though no incidents have as yet been reported.

Throughout the wilder places of Barran, people with grievous injuries and compromised memories are being found, asleep and unarmed, near villages. Those wounds seem to come from two very different sources and while most of those so injured seem to have mostly wounds from combat, some are being found with parts of them missing.

Spirits have been lingering, and not just via Deadwalk.

Villages to the northwest have been inundated with mad and hedonistic tribes of elves. They seem to be moving with a purpose on a meandering route further in that direction, but are unwilling to speak to others in a meaningful fashion about their destination.

The few remaining gypsies in Barran seem to have withdrawn even further from much of society. By mid-winter, several cities have noted that their population hasn't seen a gypsy at all in weeks or even months.