Thane and Princess of Clan Gore-Rain


I reach out to you in apology. I know at this time the honor of Icenians must seem tarnished, if not destroyed, by the decision of the people.
I can tell we are of the same basic stock, and I know that means we will not be readily forgiven. Do not punish those who do not understand what you and your valiant kin have to offer. Punish me for my failure to make your worth apparent to those who would question it.
Punish me and I will accept it. Punish those who do not yet understand and I will defend them to my last breath and last death so that they may one day know you and see you as I do.

In honor and valour,
Squire Jovunn Rannveig, Ram Tribe
Jovunn, things arent as bad as you think. Reach out to me.
