Well, we bought some patterns, and then modified them. I was basing the concept off of zedd's robes in legend of the seeker but with a key difference: I do not want robes that extend to the ground. I’ve warn robes like that before and I trip on them constantly.
So the first part she made was kind of alike a long tunic that goes down to just above your knees. We made that out of knit fabric because it's stretchy, warm, and comfortable but not so stretchy that it is impossible to sew. The little bit of give it has allows for it to be around my upper legs and still be able to run without being hindered. Conversely, we could have made it out of another fabric and put small slits up the side like most of those long tunics have. we decided not to because getting a split to stop going up a seem when stress is on it isn't fun. To further modify the tunic, we added long sleeves to it, but obviously not just any long sleeves, wizard sleeves! They are huge and open at the wrist. Originally we were going to make them longer so I could hide my hands (and any weapons or packets they held) inside the opposing sleeve when my arms were crossed, but they're a little short to do that. That ended up not being a bad thing though because with how big those sleeve ends are I was worried about being able to cast and them not getting in the way. The fact that they are the size that they are allows them to actually fall to my elbow when I pull my hands back to throw which keeps them totally out of the way when I cast. Finally the last alteration I wanted on the tunic piece was a giant epic hood (with no point) that could be folded back and kind of acts as a mantle when i wasn't wearing it. so Amanda is bad *** and was able to make that work perfectly.
The second piece she made is a black vest type rode that goes down to about my mid calf. We made that out of linen. It is 2 or 3 layers of fabric in some places because she sewed pockets into it on the insides in various places (wizards should be able to pull out all kinds of things from their robes). I was able to hold packets, all my tags, my character card, 2 wands, my light phys rep, food, paper, pens, magic items, and coins without having to lug that big bag around anymore. It was amazing. I felt free and prepared all the time.
So really the patterns we used for everything were just mish-mashed together and only used for creating basic shapes which we altered a little. The rest of it (the trim, the pockets, etc) she added herself. she also hand made all of her stuff too, her fur clock, her armor made from leather belts, her fur lined tube skirt thing, etc. etc. She’s crafty. I’m lucky.