I just want to be the first person to thank you all for your valiant fight against the spiders. I understand the queen has been killed and I'm thankful to everyone that aided in this task. This was no doubt very difficult for everyone, and the entirety of Bel' Aroth will benefit from your en devours. Townsfolk, farmers and laborers can all walk and work a bit more comfortable now. While the lands are owned and under the laws of the Dwarves of Bel' Grandur, we certainly recognize that we have a common interest here. There are many things within the lands that have been a burden for too long, and my family is willing to help and motivate all that would better our neighboring lands, since ultimately we are all a part of the same community.
It was a pleasure to meet all of you.
Onnelith Silverthread
It was a pleasure to meet all of you.
Onnelith Silverthread