Thank you


It's been a long time since I have come home this sore from playingAlliance South Michigan but it's rare that I have been so satisfied with an event. A one on twenty two was one fantastic fight. The weather was a measure of perfection to spend a weekend in a camp ground.

Thank you to our squad of NPCs. This would have been the slowest of all events without your tireless efforts.

To Ashley for cooking: you saved my life with your pulled pork.

Thank you everyone.

That pulled pork was by far the best I've ever had!
Your welcome and thank you. It was my first time running the Tavern so I'm glad there was enough for everyone!
This event was one of the best that I've been to since I started playing, a great way to celebrate the 2-year anniversary of doing so! NPCs and Plot team were amazing, and Ashley was an awesome tavern keeper. So thank you guys! You were fantastic.